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Favorite pattern blocks set?


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I like the ETA manipulite ones (which are a rigid foam that holds it's shape, but is still softer than plastic or wood) because they tend to stay on laminated cards or on a table surface without moving when a child puts another shape next to them. (They also work, with a little water, on a window or shower wall vertically).


They're quiet, too-which isn't a big deal at home, but was when I was a school math tutor and had three or more kids working on three different assignments at one time, and was moving between them.

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I like the ETA manipulite ones (which are a rigid foam that holds it's shape, but is still softer than plastic or wood) because they tend to stay on laminated cards or on a table surface without moving when a child puts another shape next to them. (They also work, with a little water, on a window or shower wall vertically).


They're quiet, too-which isn't a big deal at home, but was when I was a school math tutor and had three or more kids working on three different assignments at one time, and was moving between them.



Do you have a link to these?

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My 3 year old enjoyed playing with these at a friends house:




I was looking at the ETA tiles that someone suggested - these over-sized, foam pattern blocks for the floor look really neat! I may have to order a set.



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MAGNETIC ONES. I have a dd who is SUCH a perfectionist - she freaked out when her pattern blocks would not stay exactly where she put them. It made me want to scream. Someone here suggested the magnetic ones and it was a lifesaver (hers or mine, you decide :D).


Schmooey likes the wooden ones - we have a bulk set that we got at a school supply store, I think. He builds roads with them and such. I am not sure what he will think when we get to pattern pages. I think I should try to locate those magnetic blocks, just in case...

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MAGNETIC ONES. I have a dd who is SUCH a perfectionist - she freaked out when her pattern blocks would not stay exactly where she put them. It made me want to scream.

:iagree:We have a set of magnetic ones. They came with their own pattern cards and box to store them. Excellent! We have another set of non-magnetic ones that don't get near as much use!

Edited by give_me_a_latte
Magnetic....not magentic..OY!
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