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Still trying to think it through


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We are still trying to help our son think through which school he should attend.


The schools he's trying to choose between are:



UC San Diego

Cal Poly Pomona Honors College


He really wants to debate in college. Cal Poly does not have a debate team but the other two schools do.


He has been accepted into his major-biology-at UCLA and Cal Poly. At UCSD, he applied as a biology major but due to major impaction, he was accepted as undeclared.


We're trying to figure out what impact going in undeclared would have.


Any input on that?

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If he really likes all of them equally, I'd favor UCLA or UCSD. I know you liked the honors program at Cal Poly Pomona, but the other two have more "name recognition" in their favor, and that kind of thing can sometimes tip the balance between two otherwise equal candidates trying to get job interviews or applying to graduate school.


When I was in college the major you applied under meant very little; many people changed their minds after a year or two.

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Is there a reason UCLA isn't the obvious choice? It has both of what he wants - he can debate and major in biology (from my understanding of what you said).


Well, it's not the obvious choice for a couple of reasons...


UCSD has been his top choice for a while. He was excited to get accepted but we're trying to figure out the implications of not getting accepted into his major. He wants to go into medical research. Will he be able to even get bio classes if he's undeclared? Will he be given any research opportunities as an underclassman if he's undeclared?


Cal Poly Honors College is a great opportunity. Each semester you take an honors course, you get priority registration. This is a big advantage in CA state schools as budget cuts make it very hard to get classes. Each honors class will have maximum of 21 students in the class as opposed to hundreds in a lecture hall at a UC. Cal Poly is also way less expensive than UCLA.;)


There's so much to think about.

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I would contact the Biology department at UCSD and ask some specific questions:


Will he be able to take the Biology classes he needs?


What is the likelihood that this 'impaction' (awful word!) will ease? Is there any chance that he can become a Biology at some point? How slim is that chance?


If your son does not like the answers he hears, I believe that he would be better off with one of his other choices.




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I don't know anything about major impaction, it does sound like a call to UCSD is in order; if he can't take bio courses, that won't work!


In my experience (working in a university, but in a different field) getting research opportunities comes more from getting to know professors than anything else. Students who stand out in class (for good grades, participating in class, asking/answering questions), go to office hours, and ask about volunteer opportunities and follow through on them (even for menial tasks) are the ones who spring to mind when a good opportunity comes up. Is your son the type of person who will do this in a big class, or will he "blend in" out of shyness? If he feels he's do better in a more intimate setting, maybe the honors program is a better option. However, the amount of time and support faculty get for research is greater at research universities, so there might be more opportunities at the UCs if he's the type of person who will stand out in a crowd.

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