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I am not sure about my faith anymore.

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One of the reasons I left Protestantism was it's inadequacy to explain or measure up to suffering, and especially to it's redemptive value. Modern humanity (after 1500') suffers the same as people did from the very beginning, but they can't stand it, offer easy excuses or lame cope outs.



I totally agree.

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One of the reasons I left Protestantism was it's inadequacy to explain or measure up to suffering, and especially to it's redemptive value. Modern humanity (after 1500') suffers the same as people did from the very beginning, but they can't stand it, offer easy excuses or lame cope outs.
I agree with the first sentence. I don't understand the second one. Could someone use smaller words?:001_huh:
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RSprinkles, I can't help but "hear" the sadness in your post. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: It seems like you are saying that though you've had some experience with Catholicism, and the Southern Baptist church, and even being "saved," you don't really feel close to God. Your present experience of God, or maybe the church, it seems like you're saying, is guilt and fear. It also seems like you're saying, "this isn't the way it's supposed to be." I guess I'm thinking aloud trying to figure out how to respond to your post, because I couldn't just pass it by, but I don't really know how to respond. If I'm reading into your post correctly, and I apologize if I am not, (I don't want to frustrate you further by getting you all wrong), it seems like you want to know that God is love. It also seems like you want to have faith in a loving God, because you wouldn't write so sadly about not having that faith, or loosing it. OK, I know I'm reading a lot into your note, but if I'm getting you right, and if you want to have a strong faith in a loving God and if you want to be very close to this God, I have a suggestion for you. Please check into the Eastern Orthodox Church.


I have recently gone through an entire paradigm shift in my view of God, man, and salvation, and it has been thanks to the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the Eastern Orthodox Church God is love - he is not wrath. Man was made in God's image - he is not totally depraved. Salvation is getting close to God - not a legal status. What helps us to get close to God is the Church. Jesus left us with many blessings that were entrusted to his apostles. Remember when he told Peter, "Feed my sheep," and he said it 3 times? The apostles were given special care of the things that "feed the sheep." Those, I have learned, are the Eucharist (Holy communion), Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, and a few others which I can't remember right now. Those special blessings that feed the sheep were given to the apostles and passed down from bishop to bishop all the way down to the present time, and are available now for us Christians through the Eastern Orthodox Church. I would like to encourage you to browse Ancient Faith Radio. Here you can learn about the Eastern Orthodox Church. Or, if you just want to talk to real people about the OC/EO/EOC, there is also a wonderful Social Group here on TWTMF that you are welcome to join and ask whatever questions you want. Wonderful, loving, gracious, Orthodox Christian ladies are available to answer your questions. God bless you on your journey. Lord have mercy and give you everything you need to know Him, walk with Him, and love Him.


p.s. Please forgive me if I assumed too much in your post. My first paragraph is musing about how to respond, so I really hope it wasn't offensive to try to understand you by typing my thoughts out loud. Maybe some of myself and my own experience has been inserted into my guesses about where you are coming from. I'm going to hit "submit reply" and hope I didn't offend. :grouphug:

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