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HWOT, A Reason for, or Zaner Blozer for Kindergarten


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I will have a kindy next year and already have the HWOT and A reason for handwriting K. My olders will be doing zaner blozer so I was wondering if I should order the K for my youngest. (Fortunately, we have no fine motor issues and perfect pencil grip) Anyone have a preference and why? Is one better than the other or just different?



Thanks in advance!

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I haven't tried the others you mentioned BUT I have used HWT preschool up to 2nd grade. Although it's very nice and the kids liked it...they both FLEW through the books and even though I purchased the first set all the way through of workbooks I'm still myself debating on even purchasing the book for my to be 1st grader as she went through the preschool book in a month and the kindergar book in a month as well!! So I went to Kumon. However I LOVE them and if they didn't cost as much to ship as the workbook is itself then I'd order it in a heartbeat..so having multiple things to me makes sense because of how fast my kids went through HWT.


As I type this I'm actually gonna make that leap and get the 1st grade HWT book for my dd5 next year just because they actually liked the books and it's "practice" for them if anything! :D


Sorry for the babble!

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I used A Reason For with my dd in K, and we used it to go with our science as well. For science we studied animals and used whatever animal was on the handwriting sheets as what we would study that week. We mainly looked it up on the internet to learn about where it lives, what it looks like, etc. I would copy down some facts about it (3 or 4) on a sheet of paper and we kept all of our handwriting sheets and fact sheets in a notebook that was our science/handwriting by the end of the year. We checked additional books about animals in general (habitats of the world, life cycles, classification) to complete our science for that year.


So I vote for A Reason For just because we had so much fun with it. It was our best science year yet, and she loves the A Reason For series (she's artsy and likes the Scripture Border Sheets) so we will be continuing with it for the forseeable future!

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My dd loves to write! She still doesn't love to read (I'm hoping soon!), but she loves drawing and writing letters. We started using ZB K when she was 4, because if she was going to be writing letters I wanted her to learn to do them the right way before any bad habits formed. We finished the book fairly quickly, and so I bought Abeka Handwriting K for her to use next. I didn't want to move onto the 1st grade book, because she is technically not even in Kindergarten yet. Well, I cannot wait to get back to ZB. I haven't used the other programs you mentioned, but I am a big fan of ZB after using something else. If my other kids were using it, I think I would just keep them all on the same program. The ZB Kindergarten book was great!

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I used Z-B K this year and thought it was perfect for DD6. She has not naturally taken to writing so Z-B is a gentle, straight forward approach for her. We also practice writing in Explode the Code. Between the two she gets plenty of writing practice for her level.


The only complaint I have is the shipping charge for Z-B was exorbitant for one book but if you are Ordering for several kids that shouldn't be an issue.

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I started out with ZB, but the price and the fact that my kids did not love it made me look for something else. I ended up with ARFH and the kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. Even my 5 yo BOY loves doing HW. I think they enjoy copying the verse and coloring the page the most.

I love the idea of combining it with Science. Brilliant! I'm going to start doing that with my youngest.

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