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A Schism in the HS Community?

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In addition, just using the word evolved does not cover evolution. Have you actually looked at these things to see that the concept is thoroughly covered? I can tell you that mutation and natural selection were never explained in any of my PS science texts.


Hmmmm, good point. Mine weren't, either. What age are you looking for? It would seem likely that high school texts would cover it more thoroughly. I'm using Tarbuck's Earth Science next year, and he spends an entire chapter on Earth's evolution (planet, plants, animals). Because it is Earth Science, he doesn't get into humans, though, as far as I can see.

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Hmmmm, good point. Mine weren't, either. What age are you looking for? It would seem likely that high school texts would cover it more thoroughly. I'm using Tarbuck's Earth Science next year, and he spends an entire chapter on Earth's evolution (planet, plants, animals). Because it is Earth Science, he doesn't get into humans, though, as far as I can see.

Thank you so much. Earth science is actually what I was really looking for, and the grade level will be good for when we cover it too. Happy dance!

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This is the first time I have ever heard the phrase "Harry Potter Christians" and it seals the deal that I officially love this board.


As for the rest... it's certainly been enlightening. I have been homeschooling for 7 years now and didn't realize there was so much infighting.

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But those aren't specifically homeschool programs. I agree though that most ps science texts will cover evolution.




Hs texts aren't *always* better than ps texts, I guess. But if you want a more hs approach--living literature, etc--a ps textbook being your *only* choice seems kinda...not in the spirit of hs'ing. Kinda sad.


To me, that's kind-of like saying there's plenty of Christian stuff available, back when there was nothing but Abeka & BJU. If you're more of a TOG/SL kind of person, Abeka's not going to hack it.


I've never *looked* for an evolution text, but Creation texts are so abundant that they *find* me, lol. Personally, we haven't taught origins yet. We'll do that in the logic stage, I think. The only book I *know* we'll use is Origin of Species.


But just like I don't want Ken Ham telling me what to think about Peter Enns, I don't want Creationists telling me what Darwin said. And I don't want evolutionists telling me what Creationists believe. Whenever possible, it seems so much more productive to go to the source. To that end, it drives me *extra* nuts when a book about one topic (evolution or creation) spends too much of its time focusing on what's wrong w/ the other view. It means that no one's representing the view I'm trying to read about, lol.

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. Whenever possible, it seems so much more productive to go to the source. To that end, it drives me *extra* nuts when a book about one topic (evolution or creation) spends too much of its time focusing on what's wrong w/ the other view. It means that no one's representing the view I'm trying to read about, lol.






Evolutionary theory is simply not a religious issue in our household, but we do tell our kids not to talk about it around grandma and grandpa. ;)

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To me, that's kind-of like saying there's plenty of Christian stuff available, back when there was nothing but Abeka & BJU. If you're more of a TOG/SL kind of person, Abeka's not going to hack it.


See, I AM more of a TOG/SL kind of person ("living books" vs. textbooks) and so as I pick through book after book that contains evolutionary content, I'm getting rather frustrated. So when I read your comment I was like, no way! :D


I've never *looked* for an evolution text, but Creation texts are so abundant that they *find* me, lol. Personally, we haven't taught origins yet. We'll do that in the logic stage, I think. The only book I *know* we'll use is Origin of Species.



Please, pass on your information on the Creation texts. :bigear:

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Please, pass on your information on the Creation texts. :bigear:

http://store.nwcreation.net/woofcrse.html These are very, very good. :) They give alternative YE explanations for things that we already have the standard secular explanation for. The fossil record, geological formations, caves and their features. I seem to remember the astronomy book having something on the life of the sun and earths magnetism having to do with YE, oh and the improbability of the different planets to evolve with different features and spins. I think the ocean book says something about how sea creatures could survive a worldwide flood. The weather book was the least interesting. I don't even remember what was in it other than a chapter on hurricanes. I know that it presented a lot of mainstream information.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it. :001_smile: I have looked at both, but I am talking about for a 6 year old 1st grader. (with a tag along 4 year old) Both apologia and the Wonders of Creation series are geared towards much older students.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it. :001_smile: I have looked at both, but I am talking about for a 6 year old 1st grader. (with a tag along 4 year old) Both apologia and the Wonders of Creation series are geared towards much older students.

I added descriptions for the Wonders of Creation series. :)


I don't know... Winterpromise has some packages that are from a creationist viewpoint, you might look at their science programs. Heart of Dakota uses some christian books in their science, but they use a textbook for 1st grade.

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I also noticed that Sonlight has added creationist sources to their science packages. I checked them out... didn't like them, but maybe you would.


Really? I don't see any, but maybe I'm missing something. Here's the link to the 1st grade materials: http://www.sonlight.com/science-1.html


Oh, and I am very familiar with HOD. But, I don't want a textbook that is going to cover snippets of all the sciences. Rather I want to study Life Science (animals, plants and Human body) but from a YE perspective. But most homeschool curriculum that lines up with my beliefs is the textbook variety. CLP, BJU, etc.

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Really? I don't see any, but maybe I'm missing something. Here's the link to the 1st grade materials: http://www.sonlight.com/science-1.html


Oh, and I am very familiar with HOD. But, I don't want a textbook that is going to cover snippets of all the sciences. Rather I want to study Life Science (animals, plants and Human body) but from a YE perspective. But most homeschool curriculum that lines up with my beliefs is the textbook variety. CLP, BJU, etc.

Oh, sorry, I wasn't sure which grade levels of Sonlight had that.


Well.. God's Design covers multiple grade levels starting young and sticks to one subject, but it is likely too textbooky as well.

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