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Frequent vomiting - please give me a list of possible causes

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My neighbor's dd, 10, has been vomiting and having stomach pain off and on for a few months. She's missed a lot of school because of it. The doctors haven't figured out what's wrong, but I am not sure of what all they've checked. Please give me some possible causes, even if they are unusual, so I can pass them on to her mom, who is worried beyond belief. TIA!

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In our case, my dd has food allergies that we were able to discern ourselves. She would have a 'sour' stomach then eventually vomit after eating anything with peanuts or made in a factory that processed tree nuts. She is 14yo and this just started a few months ago! So allergies can start anytime, I guess.


I would not let that go on for very long without consulting a doctor - I'm sure frequent vomiting can cause some harm to the body...



Laura in OH

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She's been to the doctor numerous times. I know they've run lots of tests on her, I just don't know which ones, and everything has come back normal. The mom has asked for prayers. I'm just looking for ideas to pass on, just in case there is something the doctors haven't considered. The poor girl is miserable, and it's happening daily now. So, allergies, stress, anxiety. Other ideas for what would cause an otherwise apparently healthy child to start vomiting daily?

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Can the mom try homeschooling her at all? It's amazing how my sicknesses went away when school was over.


Has she been tested for Celiacs disease? Doctors hate to test for this because there are so many misunderstandings around it. Like for instant you need to have family members with it. Not true since so many people are undiagnosed. She should have a blood test, a biopsy if needed/desired, and a stint on a Gluten-Free diet.

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I just took my dd to the gastroenterologist yesterday for off & on pains in her abdomen that she's had over the past few years. The Dr. diagnosed her with Abdominal Migraine. I had never heard of it, but it makes a lot of sense with her symptoms. Even though my dd doesn't have vomiting with it, it appears to be a very common symptom. The one key to diagnosis in our case was that my dd is perfectly well in between her bouts of pain which is why I hadn't really pursued much help before. If you google Abdominal Migraine your neighbor should get a lot of information. There are no tests that would definitively diagnose this.




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I just took my dd to the gastroenterologist yesterday for off & on pains in her abdomen that she's had over the past few years. The Dr. diagnosed her with Abdominal Migraine. I had never heard of it, but it makes a lot of sense with her symptoms. Even though my dd doesn't have vomiting with it, it appears to be a very common symptom. The one key to diagnosis in our case was that my dd is perfectly well in between her bouts of pain which is why I hadn't really pursued much help before. If you google Abdominal Migraine your neighbor should get a lot of information. There are no tests that would definitively diagnose this.






Yes, there was a young man in our church with this. He through up daily, many times multiple times a day.

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