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CC: a letter closing to a fellow believer...

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I'm responding to a letter from our previous pastor. His closing caused me pause... I had never heard this before and I rather liked it. He said:


I trust you have much to encourage you,



hmmm... yes, that was nice! Now my standard fare of In Christ; Affectionately; In Him; etc., just pales.


What would you suggest? Do you have any Christianese closings?

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My short closing is Blessings or God bless you and yours. My long one is may God open up the floodgates of Heaven and shower His blessings down upon you and your family. :)


It is wonderful to know that I got the long version when you spoiled me that time! It sounds very familiar! :D:grouphug:


Thank you my dear, I think I shall use that!

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It is wonderful to know that I got the long version when you spoiled me that time! It sounds very familiar! :D:grouphug:


Thank you my dear, I think I shall use that!

I only use it for extra special people! :grouphug:

AG! My dh said it's too long and nixed it. :glare: Poop. :lol:



I have a friend who always closes with "under the same mercy,". I like it.


Oh that's lovely! I like that. :)

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