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What would you add to this (secular) 4th grade curriculum?


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I'm out of my depth now. I'd like to get a bit more stringent at this point, but I'm not sure how. DD8 will be a young 4th grader (turning 9 in September--she would have just barely made our system's late cutoff). I know that, barring any unforeseen curriculum implosions, we'll be most likely be bumping up to the following:


RightStart D


SOTW Middle Ages


Wrapping up our WP Animal Worlds program (started late in the year)


Here's what I'm not sure about. Please feel free to suggest something that you think would work well:


  • Latin: I want to start her in September, but I'm not sure where at that point--maybe LfC A?
  • Logic: I'd like something that's more structured than the occasional sheets I throw at her now.
  • Grammar: I'm considering going to something more rigorous than GWG, but what? She likes GWG, but I'm still not quite convinced of its staying power.
  • Science: I have no idea where to go for science after this. I like the WP programs and may stay with them, but I have to see what they have.



Would you add anything I haven't mentioned here? What am I forgetting?


TIA for your help!

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I don't see literature/reading, but perhaps that's included in history?


I know what you mean about GWG's staying power. My son retained very little from his year with GWG 3, though he seemed to do well with it while we were using it. I think it was because he was good at finding the pattern but he wasn't internalizing the concepts. Anyway, we moved to MCT Island materials the next year and things clicked for him.


As for Latin, we've had a great experience with Lively Latin. We went through it at half speed and found it to be colorful and kid friendly.

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I don't see literature/reading, but perhaps that's included in history?


I know what you mean about GWG's staying power. My son retained very little from his year with GWG 3, though he seemed to do well with it while we were using it. I think it was because he was good at finding the pattern but he wasn't internalizing the concepts. Anyway, we moved to MCT Island materials the next year and things clicked for him.


As for Latin, we've had a great experience with Lively Latin. We went through it at half speed and found it to be colorful and kid friendly.


Thank you! She's a voracious reader, and we have a book jar of "required" high-quality books, so I've been kind of leaving that alone. I own DITHOR (which is pretty easy to use secularly), and I toy with the idea of using that, but it's a BIG curriculum. I've also used Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus in the past, for light analysis and discussion. And I just got Teaching the Classics, but haven't watched it yet (which reminds me, I need to leave some feedback!). Do you have something you'd suggest for literature at this age? I would love to hear.


And I own MCT Island. I was thinking about moving over to that for the depth, but since GWG seems to be working so far, I thought maybe I should leave well enough alone. I'll dig my MCT out and really take a good look at it. I think that might be the way I go, really.


Thanks for the rec on Latin!


Have you looked at Elemental Science? I know that this can be used secularly.


What about art? (I have no suggestions here. . .as I'm artistically impaired)


I'd looked at ES Biology awhile ago but thought it seemed kind of dry for us. I'll look again for a fresh perspective. And ART! I did forget. She's an artist at heart (and I am deeply artistically impaired as well), but she balks at lessons, so I've let her progress on her own with that. I keep offering classes though, just in case. However, I've been wanting to do more art history/fine art study. Thank you, I'll add that to my list!

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Have you seen the "rocket" logic workbooks?



As for Latin, we enjoyed GSWL.


Thank you for both! I just added a bunch to my Paperbackswap list. I have a few of Bonnie Risby's books for K-2/3, but I forgot to look for the next levels.

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