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Question about 4yo speech

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Is it normal for a newly 4yo to still have these issues?


C's sound like T's

R's sound like W's

G's sound like D's

L's sound.....funny :confused: (hard to describe)


I wasn't concerned, but our doc just referred us for a speech eval. (I'm still not concerned, just curious.)

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Is it normal for a newly 4yo to still have these issues?


C's sound like T's

R's sound like W's

G's sound like D's

L's sound.....funny :confused: (hard to describe)


I wasn't concerned, but our doc just referred us for a speech eval. (I'm still not concerned, just curious.)


The r/w and the l sounding funny are typically fine for her age. The k/t and the g/d is something I would look into with an evaluation. If that is the only issue and she is able to copy a correct k and g sound and isn't having problems with being understood then she may just grow out of it. If she is frustrated with being misunderstood or if there are other errors besides the ones listed I would definitely get an evaluation even if she is able to correctly copy the k and g.


The k/t and the g/d is the same error with one set produced with the voice on and one set produced with the voice off.


(Former SLP)

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Ds16 got a referral for speech about the same age. After his assessment they said he barely qualified, but if we wanted to pursue it, we could. They said he may outgrow it, but he may not, only time would tell. Dh and I both talk Very fast. Part of his speech issues were from him speaking fast also.


I have a nephew who started speech at 12yo. He was one of those kids who had a few small issues as a young child and my sister always thought he would outgrow it. I talked to my nephew and asked his opinion about ds going to speech therapy. He was adamant that we should get ds to a speech therapist ASAP and get his problems fixed before he started school. He was teased horribly for years, over very small issues, for "talking like a baby" by his peers.


We decided to pursue it. Ds went to therapy once weekly for 2 school years (it was part of the school) so it was probably a total of one traditional year of therapy. He loved it and it solved all of his issues.


I am glad we did it.

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c/t and g/d are not age appropriate, DS who is almost 4 is currently in speech therapy because of them. both c and g are sounds that are mastered fairly early. That being said, he can't correct them or the numerous other sounds he doesn't produce correctly with prompting. We would not have realized how many sounds he was missing without the evaluation though, he had a lot more issues then the few we knew about.

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The r/w and the l sounding funny are typically fine for her age. The k/t and the g/d is something I would look into with an evaluation. If that is the only issue and she is able to copy a correct k and g sound and isn't having problems with being understood then she may just grow out of it. If she is frustrated with being misunderstood or if there are other errors besides the ones listed I would definitely get an evaluation even if she is able to correctly copy the k and g.


The k/t and the g/d is the same error with one set produced with the voice on and one set produced with the voice off.


(Former SLP)



Hmm. No, he cannot copy the correct k and g sounds. I tried last night. He gets *extremely* frustrated when people can't understand him. In any case, we'll get the eval, just to see what they have to say. I'd rather get the therapy than wait it out.

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