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How long was labor with your 1st child- natural birth?

How long was labor with your first child- natural birth only- from beginning to end?  

  1. 1. How long was labor with your first child- natural birth only- from beginning to end?

    • 0-4 hours
    • 4-8 hours
    • 8-12 hours
    • 12-16 hours
    • 16-20 hours
    • 20-24 hours
    • More than 24 hours
    • Other :-)

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My first DS was induced overdue (pre-eclempsia) and pitocin was started at 6 AM on Friday...he was born at 5:34 AM Saturday. So just under 24 hours total, including almost 3 hours pushing.


That trend didn't continue with our other 2 though luckily...DD was 8 hours with about 45 minutes pushing. And youngest DS almost didn't make it to the hospital...my water broke at 4:15 AM, and he was born at 7:32 AM, just 25 minutes after arriving at the hospital...with only about 3 pushes.

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My daughter was 14 hours from beginning to end. I only had an epidural for the last 3 and I wish I would have taken it sooner because I think my labor would have been shorter. My son (2nd child) was induced and I had 7 hours of labor. Stupid me didn't take the epidural again until the last 1/2 hour and then he just slid out. Seriously, if I ever have a 3rd one, I'm calling for the epidural IMMEDIATELY. I think in my case it relaxes me and just lets the poor kid out.

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My water spontaneously ruptured at at about 5:15 am, but no other signs of labor. At about 9am they started piton. At about noon they gave me stadol so I could get some sleep (I hadn't slept at all the night before). Somewhere around 5:30 they tried to pressure me into having an epidural, but DH refused to sign the consent form (we had discussed under what circumstances I would want one and this wasn't one of them), and at 6:14pm I was holding DD.

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I voted even though, after 44-hours of labor with my first, I had a c-section.


I only said no c-section because I figured that those who had labor and THEN a c-section were more likely to have long labors- since there is usually a problem of some kind when the c-section isn't planned until after labor. I didn't want to skew the results in my favor that way. :)


So... I was surprised. My husband was reasonable in thinking that 8 hours wasn't unreasonably short. 30% of votes say that labor was shorter than 8 hours for a first baby, and 25% of votes say labor was longer than 24 hours.


I would have said someone was more likely to be in labor more than 24 hours for a first baby than shorter than 8. I also learned that there *is* no normal. I was really surprised at how varied people's experiences were.


Thanks for all of your votes!

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First dd was born in a hospital and from first contraction (induced with pit.) was 2.5 hours. Vaginal delivery


Second dd born in a hospital went into labor right before a pit induction was supposed to happen. First contraction to born was 2.5 hours. Vaginal delivery


Third DD born at home in water from first contraction (think menstral like cramps) to born was 8 hours. 30 minutes of hard labor.


Fourth DD was born at home in water from first contraction (again, VERY mild) to born was 12 hours. 30 minutes of hard labor and pushing.


Fifth child, a boy, born at home from first contraction to born was about 8 hours.


Due in July and only time will tell.

I would take my longer gradual births (home births) over my chemically induced labors any day. THose left me feeling like I'd been run over by a truck because they were SO fast. I was lucky enough not to tear etc with any of my kids. The best way to insure a wonderful birth is too educate yourself and have a support system in place. Birth is NORMAL and NOT a life threatening illness.

Good Luck

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