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anyone combine kids for fll1?


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I don't see why not. I would think you could find a happy medium speed that wouldn't be to fast for one or to slow for another. I am starting my 1st grader on it as well but plan to read some parts to my 4th grader too she has had 2 years of education away from me and I think she lacks a lot in grammar so I don't think it would hurt for her to hear some review. I will scream if I have to tell my 3rd grader what a pronoun is one more time :glare: almost every time she has grammar homework I have to re explain the basics to her.

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We have used FLL1 with a 1st grade boy and a Pre-K/4 girl combined this year and it has been a huge success for both. The gentle lessons and repetition have made it very doable for my DD. We actually do our FLL during a meal. . . either breakfast or lunch. We all sit at the table together and we talk through it while we eat. It makes for a great discussion time. I do adjust the writing activities that go along with some of the lessons for each child.


I wouldn't hesitate to combine 1st and K with this program.

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Based on my experience with the first few lessons, I think it should be fine. I just started FLL1 for my 1st grader and my 4 year old is joining in at her level. Here's an example from yesterday's narration lesson based on Little House in the Big Woods. My first grader narrated, "The bear was stealing the pig, and the bear wanted to eat it, but the family needed it the most for winter." My four year old narrated, "He missed the bear." Both understood the lesson and responded at their own level.

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I'm making sure my 4 yo dd listens in on 6 yos FLL1. She doesn't have to answer questions, but she soaks it up.


We'll probably do a faster program, like English for the Thoughtful Child, starting at an older age with her, just like I'm skipping RSA with her because she picked it up by hearing her brother do it. So, thought I'm not fully combining, I'm decreasing my workload and increasing what dd is learning (without making her feel like she needs to keep up with brother).



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