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What would other moms do? To cut or not to cut?

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:iagree: I'd let her keep it, but go for a little trim...not a foot, just above her skirt or jean line. This also helps keep the tangles down. My dd still has really long hair, but I tended to it for the first 12 years or so. Bore bristle brushes are a wonderful thing with long hair. We purchase ours at Sally's.


One thing that helps tangles is a satin pillow case.
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My DD and I both have long hair; braiding it at night makes a world of difference. We don't have the tangling issue. That being said, my DD decided to cut a foot of her hair off because her hair is so thick and heavy. It was bothering her neck. I was the one who was sad to see it go, but how could I argue with that. She continues to grow her hair out and donate it about every other year. DD is now 16, and I have very fond memories of caring for her hair. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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My dd9, almost 10 has very thick, long hair. Her hair reaches down mid bottom and it is very thick. Very nice. The problem is, it's so much that she can't handle it herself. I have to braid it for her almost every day. She can barely put it into a ponytail by herself. She does wash it by herself!


She was almost in tears yesterday and today at my suggestion of cutting about a foot of it off. Her hair would still be almost waist length. I have tried to teach her how to fix it herself, but she doesn't get it.


Would you make her cut it?

Do your girls this age do their own hair?

Any other suggestions?


Should I just shut up and be thankful I get to fix her hair almost daily and that I have a dd with beautiful hair?


I haven't read the thread, but I wouldn't force her to cut it - it's HER hair, and she obviously values it greatly.


My folks chopped my waist length hair up into a pixie type cut when I was close to your daughter's age and I was devastated. :(

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