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How did I miss all this?

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So we are going through testing with ds and my head is spinning. I had no clue he was going through so much. How can a mother miss all this? Tourettes (we knew, but its "official" now) SPD, low tone, eye tracking problems, visual/spatial delays and that is all without the meeting after all the evals are done to go through the results. This is just by the quick end of session talk. They did say they had more concerns but wanted to pull all the test results together and compare before approaching me with them so there is more to come. That has me worried. What would they be talking about? Something serious? Just something they do not want to say until they are positive? We will be having a meeting to go through all the evals in depth either next week or the following week. I knew he had delays- but I didn't know how much he had going on, ya know?

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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I do think homeschooling can be very tough to really "know" if something is going on. We work in isolation, and it is hard to evaluate if, or how much, our child has delays. At least that was my experience with my severely dyslexic son.


:grouphug: I hope you get some answers and a roadmap for what to do in the future.

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So we are going through testing with ds and my head is spinning. I had no clue he was going through so much. How can a mother miss all this? Tourettes (we knew, but its "official" now) SPD, low tone, eye tracking problems, visual/spatial delays and that is all without the meeting after all the evals are done to go through the results.


Please don't get discouraged, we have all been thru it with our own children and with our students. Children with learning difficulties just need to be taught a little differently to do well in school.

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I work with/have friends who are Aspies. I also work the mentally ill. When I meet people who are "on the spectrum" and/or mentally ill, it seems more or less blindingly obvious to me.


When I look at my siblings, it is pretty obvious that one of them is Autistic and that two of them are neurotypical (now that I know what to look for). When I look at their kids (7 of them), I see one full-on autie; one borderline autie, possibly just moody aspie; and otherwise just a whole bunch of brilliant neurotypicals with mood disorders.


Funnily enough, it is one of the neurotypicals who bore the autie and autie/aspie. The autie sibling's kids are neurotypical (and disgustingly brilliant, I might add... LOL).


Does anyone else in the family "see" this? Of course not. They don't even see that I'm an Aspie, and to meet me, you'd think I was a supporting character from Big Bang Theory. [of course, looking back at my childhood, it's pretty obvious my teachers had it figured out...]


So, no - it isn't because you're homeschooling. It's just because (IMO) we all have a blind spot where our own gene pool is concerned. Unless and until an outside 'force' points something out to us... eh. It doesn't make us bad people. It doesn't make us unobservant. It just makes us specialists in different things. I can teach a kid how to correct an "S" or an "R" speech impediment, but I can't do bubkus with an "L". Why? Because I didn't have that impediment and I wasn't taught how to fix it. You didn't have these impediments, so you weren't taught to identify them and fix them. Now you will be. It will be ok.




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You didn't miss it all. You knew those parts of your child was there - but you saw them as a different puzzle. You saw them as parts of this wonderful being you love and had no idea that someone would take those pieces, rearrange them, and come up with a completely different picture. Your job as the parent is to do just what you did. There job as professionals is to look for certain characteristics, put them in an order that is new to you, and see if that new order looks like anything they have had special training to notice. There is nothing wrong, nothing you missed. You just look thru different eyes.

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