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What is wrong with Sonlight LA? Or right?

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My current obsession is SL. I am thinking we will go with that next year. I love the looks of the LA....I am a writer, and I love creative writing. So I really appreciate their focus on that.

However, it sems all I see is complaints on LA. I think I am learning that what "fits" for us may not be what fits for others; but I would appreciate some feedback as to what exactly issues have been. Or better yet, to hear stories that are good!

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I like it. I really like the the focus on the creative side of writing - that's mainly why I went with SL LA. I like that there is room to develop a 'writer's voice' and there are a wide range of writing activities and genres.


It's not all creative writing though. The program includes regular copywork and/or dictation as well as skill development. Some people say that there is not enough structure, but I really wouldn't want there to be any more structure than what there is. I am finding that the writing assignments are allowing my kids to expand their skills and I'm happy with that. My ds6, who was barely writing about 8 weeks ago, is now approaching writing with much more confidence and skill, and is even doing some 'free writing' in a book I made him. He has started writing narrations. Dd8 is learning to develop a paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting points. The others have also been engaged and interested in the writing assignments they have been doing. I'm very impressed.


Have you tried the 3 week samples on the home page of the SL site? You can request whichever level you like and try it out for 3 weeks. It was after I did this that I was completely sold!! :001_smile:



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Like some previous posters, I felt that the expectations for younger children were very inappropriate (original writing). They don't jive with a classical understanding of language arts instruction. The quantity of written work is quite heavy as well (in my opinion).


For the grammar stage I prefer to stick with copywork, narration, and dictation (ala The Complete Writer) and it's really working for us. We are doing a separate grammar program that is very structure (Rod and Staff) and does a great job of easing my worries about gaps. In their spare time my children do some informal writing, but that doesn't count as 'school'. I don't correct this or provide spelling help unless they ask for assistance.


HTH! We do really enjoy SL's cores though :).

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I tried SL Language again and again, hoping to like it but always sending it back. I just found it to abstract and jumpy. The writing for the younger grades was to much in my opinion. I never felt they explained the writing assignments, just gave examples that were well over the level of the typical intended age. Even the grammar assignments were spotty and poorly explained. The choices of copywork were odd in my opinion also. I thought copywork was chosen to sho great examples of writing, but the ones picked always left me asking "why this one".

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I wanted something that was more sequential, was more structured for grammar after 2nd grade, and had less emphasis on creative writing until later (following WTM recommendation to hold off on teaching creative writing).




It isn't that I thought SL LA was bad it just wasn't the best choice for OUR family. My oldest struggles with all things language so to do creative writing at such a young age was out of the question. Following TWTM's suggested path has been a much better fit for her (R&S, copywork, dictation, narration). We dabble in creative writing here and there but I don't force the issue and when I do, she tends to freeze. She simply isn't ready.


There are plenty of families out there who love SL LA because they have budding writers on their hands, super creative kids. We simply don't have *that* kid. If you have a budding writer, go for it, but if your kid tends to be more science/mathy/black and white/structured type kid, I don't know if SL LA would be the best fit.


Like PP said, download the samples, try them and go from there.


Good luck!

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