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New Colors Science program from Rainbow Science people. - I have samples..

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Yeah! :party: I have been waiting, literally, for years for this. I just checked their website and saw that samples are up there. Are these the same samples that you have or do you have something else?


Thanks for posting!


Well now I feel stupid. When I got the samples there weren't any on the website. They must have put them up just after they emailed me. Yes they are the same. I'm so excited!!



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Hi Heather,


Could your forward them to me? I've been trying to look at them on the website, but keep having a problem.


Thanks so much!




If anyone is interested, I emailed the company and they sent me some samples of the product. You can either post here or email mea (hgunraj@yahoo.com) if you want me to forward them to you. It looks great. I'm looking forward to using it.



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I haven't. But, the samples for The Colors look like they're much more "wordy".


There is a sample lesson for both describing molecules, atoms, protons, etc. and the Rainbow *looks* much easier, with much less detail than the Colors. Of course, not having it here in hand, it's hard to know and compare. Any thoughts?




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I haven't. But, the samples for The Colors look like they're much more "wordy".


There is a sample lesson for both describing molecules, atoms, protons, etc. and the Rainbow *looks* much easier, with much less detail than the Colors. Of course, not having it here in hand, it's hard to know and compare. Any thoughts?





I've used Rainbow. It's deceptively difficult. From what I can see, I think Colors holds your hand alot more. It seems more difficult because of the focus on technical terms, especially in the samples. Following the publisher's plan, you would do Colors, then turn around and do Rainbow which would re-enforce and take deeper the information. Kind of like the cycles of history. I will not expect that my dd will remember everything but I do expect that with the weekly experiments, she'll pick up alot of concepts and a good foundation for future studies.


One other thing about Rainbow and from what I can tell, Colors as well. These are not texts that you can have the child use independently. It needs to be done with them to make sure they understand the terms and ideas. This doesn't bother me because I believe science is not an independent subject but for those who want that kind of program this probably isn't the best set of products.



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Thanks Heather for you thoughts on the difficulty of the two programs. I had the same initial reaction that Rhondabee had, that the Colors samples almost looked harder and wordier than the Rainbow sample. I had been toying with the idea of doing Rainbow this next year with my science advanced ds but decided it would be better just to go with the Colors program since it is closer to his level. When you posted about the samples I rushed over to look at them and felt a little disappointed that they weren't quite at the level I was expecting. However, I also haven't used the Rainbow program so all of my impressions are based solely on the samples. So I appreciate hearing feedback from someone who has used the program and can give better insight. I have printed off the samples and I am going to have ds read through them and see what he thinks.



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Thanks Heather for you thoughts on the difficulty of the two programs. I had the same initial reaction that Rhondabee had, that the Colors samples almost looked harder and wordier than the Rainbow sample. I had been toying with the idea of doing Rainbow this next year with my science advanced ds but decided it would be better just to go with the Colors program since it is closer to his level. When you posted about the samples I rushed over to look at them and felt a little disappointed that they weren't quite at the level I was expecting. However, I also haven't used the Rainbow program so all of my impressions are based solely on the samples. So I appreciate hearing feedback from someone who has used the program and can give better insight. I have printed off the samples and I am going to have ds read through them and see what he thinks.





You're welcome. I really hope that I don't lead anyone astray here because obviously I haven't used Colors either so I can only go by what I see in the samples and what I know Rainbow is like. One thing that makes me think they really help the kids along with the terminology and focus on learning that is the activity books samples that seem to play with the words and focus on thinking about the words.



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