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What are your tips to start a new habit?

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How do you get yourself into a new habit? Whether it is running in the morning, setting up clothes the night before, whatever it is.. how do you stick to it?


I am trying to start a few new things but can't get into a good rhythm. I have thought of making a chart for myself...setting cell phone alarms.. making a list to cross off every day..


What works for you?

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Only start one habit at a time. I have blown it so many times trying to start too many new habits at once. One at a time. If you start once each month, that is 12 new habits in a year that are actually succeeding, rather than many more started and all failed.


There are charts like habitcal.com but I find that the habit to tick off something on a chart is too much for me when I am trying to start a new habit :) I just start the habit.


No matter how many times you stuff up, fall off the wagon etc, you don't beat yourself up even a smidgeon- you just get right back up and start again.


Here is an article on it :http://zenhabits.net/deadly-sin/

And here are some others from the same site:



Edited by Peela
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Guest Momlovesbooks

Don't quit if you don't do things right 1 or 2 days. Determine to start fresh and new every morning. Get a mini calendar and actually check off 28 days of doing your new habit. If you focus on just getting it done on the days you don't want to, it will help. After 28 days you have become used to doing it and now have a new habit.

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Only start one habit at a time. I have blown it so many times trying to start too many new habits at once. One at a time.


No matter how many times you stuff up, fall off the wagon etc, you don't beat yourself up even a smidgeon- you just get right back up and start again.


Here is an article on it :http://zenhabits.net/deadly-sin/

And here are some others from the same site:



Great advice and I love these links. Thanks for sharing them, Peela. :)

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I try to only change/begin one or two things at a time, working in small increments until I get accomplished all I want to do. I try to make myself do a thing steadily for about a month in order to build a habit (I believe a solid three weeks is said to be needed to form a habit). Yes, I have made notes and used stickies as reminders at times in the past, although for some reason when I really want to do something, I can usually remember to do it....

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How do you get yourself into a new habit? Whether it is running in the morning, setting up clothes the night before, whatever it is.. how do you stick to it?


I am trying to start a few new things but can't get into a good rhythm. I have thought of making a chart for myself...setting cell phone alarms.. making a list to cross off every day..


What works for you?


I always think charts and lists are a good idea, but then I grow resentful of them. I feel boxed in; controlled. I know I have issues :lol:


I have a brother who tells it like it is - not in a mean way, but in a firm way. My son is very similar. When I need to get into a new habit, I have them babysit me. Ridiculous, I know, but that's what it takes for me -- accountability to someone who isn't afraid to nudge me gently when I need it. I'm less resentful because I know these people love me (and I can't ball them up and throw them into the trash the way I can a laminated chart or list!)


The specifics of the habit would probably influence how I went about getting into the habit. Running, I might withhold my morning tea until I had done my run. Getting clothes out the night before, I might leave a note on my bathroom mirror (sure to see when brushing teeth at night) and/or set out a week's worth of clothes on a rack over the top of my door.


I heard it takes 28 days to form a habit so I'd do whatever I needed to do in those first 28 days until the habit itself was made me stick to it.

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