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I just watched the TED talk about the Khan Academy. I think this is amazing!


Anyone here use it?


I want to do all the lessons and have my 8 year old do them as well. Anyone know how I can have us both set up accounts on the site?

Edited by arliemaria
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I'm not sure what you mean about doing "all the lessons" with your 8yo - I thought most/all of them were high school and college level? Do you mean the arithmetic section?


My teens really like Kahn. Dd used his lessons to prepare for the math portion of the SAT, and ds has used some of the algebra, geometry, and biology lessons. He is in geometry this year and sadly, Kahn has very few geometry lessons. :(

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I don't necessarily mean do them "now," but over the course of years. I am just very excited about the concept after watching the TED talk. We are working through Saxon Math 2 right now, so arithmetic would be appropriate.


Does your son use an email to log in and then you log in as a coach to view his progress?

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I want to do all the lessons and have my 8 year old do them as well. Anyone know how I can have us both set up accounts on the site?


You'll need separate gmail and/or facebook accounts for each person, and have everyone login and logout each time, but yes, it works. We have three different accounts that we use from the same computer. Sometimes I'll have two open at once in different web browsers :)

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How did you set up the accounts for your young children? I tried to create a google account for DD and cannot because she is too young. Any advice?

Make up a birthday. It's not a bad idea to give a false birthday anyways, for identity theft reasons.


Blocking accounts from people under 13 is easier for internet services than complying with the regulations about internet accounts for kids, which is why they do that. If they can say that they don't knowingly provide services to children, then they've covered their behinds legally.

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