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If you had to choose between two conferences HEAV & NCHE which one would you attend?

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Please tell me which one you would attend and why? Thanks Susan


If I had to choose just one, for this year, I think I would go to the NCHE conference, mainly because of the speakers. The speakers that appeal to me are Andrew Pudewa (I've heard him at HEAV and was delighted), Phil Downer (heard him at HEAV- very transparent, humble person and his message is very practical), Nancy Pearcey (love her books, Total Truth and The Soul of Science, and would love to hear her in person), Jim Weiss (I've seen him in person - much better than listening to recordings - just amazing really), and Katherine Loop (whom I know personally and just want to shamelessly plug:D).


I love HEAV's convention, btw, and will be attending. I just prefer the speakers list from NCHE this year.

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I go to NCHE, but like dEwing said, it's closer for me by hours. My kids will tell you that HEAV is bigger, but they were smaller that last time we went there. (Oldest was 13, she's now 16.)


If they were the same distance from me and the weekends were both clear - look at who the speakers are and the topics spoken on. Is there a speaker that you really want to hear who will only be at one? Then look at the vendors. Is there one you want to shop with that's only at one?


NCHE speakers that would draw me - Todd Wilson, Mark Hamby, (Dianne Craft), Nancy Pearcey, Andrew Pudewa, Jim Weiss, and Hal and Melanie Young.


HEAV speakers that would draw me - Marylin and Rick Boyer, Tracy Klicka, and Scott and Marcia Somerville.


But that's my list. Your list may be different.

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I wished SWB would be invited to speak at the NCHE conference.


I do too! Maybe I'll suggest her this year. I think one year I suggested Todd Wilson and now he's coming. I'm pretty sure it's not because *I* suggested him, but maybe if a couple of us do... Then her comment from the other day made me wonder if NC is one that thinks she's not conservative enough. I hope not!

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I messaged Susan Wise Bauer and ask her about attending NCHE and she said she had never been asked to speak at the conference. She told me to let NCHE that I would love to hear here at the conference. I think they will listen because she is a popular speaker and bring in more conference attendees. I think we should all write NCHE or email them and let them know we would love to see her as a conference speaker.

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I messaged Susan Wise Bauer and ask her about attending NCHE and she said she had never been asked to speak at the conference. She told me to let NCHE that I would love to hear here at the conference. I think they will listen because she is a popular speaker and bring in more conference attendees. I think we should all write NCHE or email them and let them know we would love to see her as a conference speaker.


I think on those little forms we fill out after every speaker we can write it in. It says something like suggested speaker or something. Or maybe it's the one for the whole conference. Either way, yes, let's launch a write in campaign!

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