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Rod & Staff Reading/Phonics - anybody use this?


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I'm just curious if anybody uses or has used Rod & Staff Bible Nurture and Reading series. It looks quite good although it looks like a LOT of writing . . .


I'm most curious about the readers and corresponding phonics workbooks. Is a teacher's guide necessary if I'm only interested in the phonics workbook in conjunction with the readers? Do you know how the phonics workbooks compare to Explode the Code (what we usually use)?


I'm looking for some sort of review. R&S has a lot of components to this program and I don't want all of them as it's more writing than I'd like. However, I don't want to use it if each component is really needed . . . there are phonics & reading workbooks, penmanship workbooks and worksheets for this series.


Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated!! :001_smile:

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The first grade *phonics* materials are good, and their workbooks (and phonics flashcards). The *readers* are acceptable; some people use them as part of their Bible instruction. However, the *reading* instruction and workbooks (and word and sentence flash cards) are sight reading. I cannot recommend those.

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I really like R&S Reading/phonics. I really can't say enough good about it. It is a lot of writing...esp the reading workbooks. You can use just the phonics books but you will need the teacher's manual. The readers are great esp. if you want your children to learn Bible stories.


R&S does teach some sight words. They use a balanced approach to reading that I think works better than phonics alone. The phonics instruction is more solid than Explode the Code and it moves much faster. There is also no silliness.


The only downside to R&S is that it does move very quickly and might not be the best curriculum to use with a child that struggles with reading.


Susan in TX

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R&S does teach some sight words. They use a balanced approach to reading that I think works better than phonics alone.

The required flash cards consist of 250 "vocabulary word flash cards" and 222 "phrase flash cards." I would put that in a different category than "some sight words.":)

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Thanks ladies! This is what I need to know. I don't want to use R&S for "learning to read" (we have that covered) and I would humbly pass over the sight reading portions :001_smile:. I would like to use the phonics workbooks and "readers" only! :001_smile: If I just want to use the readers and phonics workbooks do I need a teacher's manual?? Often they're written to a classroom teacher but sometimes they are needed. I just can't tell from the samples . . .


Thanks so much!!


Oh, what about the 2nd grade materials?! Ellie, you mentioned that the first grade phonics portion is very good. Does this extend to the 2nd grade materials as well??

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You can use just the phonics books but you will need the teacher's manual. The readers are great esp. if you want your children to learn Bible stories.


The phonics instruction is more solid than Explode the Code and it moves much faster. There is also no silliness.




Thanks for sharing your insights!! Why is the teacher's manual needed if I'm only using the phonics? I'm happy to use it but I'm curious as to why.


Why do you consider the phonics instruction more solid than Explode the Code?? :001_smile: That is exciting to ponder!


The pace will be fine here as I'm using it as a support/cementing the basics for a reading child (he learned to read via another method). He just needs the practice . . . both written and oral :D.

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i am using it with my son. we only use the phonics & reading workbooks (we omit penmanship & the other workbook). i really like it so far & it's painless for my son. i agree that you definitely need the TM. i used ETC with my daughter (books 1-6) and for *me*, ETC is good - but it was a supplement & something we used in conjunction with another program (headsprout). i did not consider it a complete phonics program, but i do feel R&S is a complete phonics program (it covers reading/phonics/writing/spelling). you do not need to add anything extra whatsoever.

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I'm just using the phonics workbooks only with my son. I'm attempting to build a strong phonics/spelling base with him. I didn't consider using the reading program as his reading skills are much better than his phonics skills. It does move fast, but all the writing seems to help cement the information with my son.


I have tried ETC and ETC online and it seems as though he does better with Rod and Staff phonics. We have only been using it a couple weeks though. I don't have a teacher's manual. It would be helpful though.

Edited by Wehomeschool
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Hey Katrina,


Just wanted to pass this website along to you. I order from them sometimes and they are actually pretty close to you. You may feel comfortable getting more pieces if you buy used. BTW, if I were you I would just buy all the reading stuff minus the flash/vocab cards and the penmanship. I know I would be curious and want to have "everything" in front of me.

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THANKS Melissa! Ack! I always forget about Exodus Books. The owners are LOVELY and it's such a good thing to support them!! Thanks for the heads up.


I don't want the flashcard stuff or even the reading "workbooks". I am only interested in the phonics stuff. Like you :D (great minds think alike) I'd been intending to purchase the readers. My kids really love "readers" that go in series. My middle son needs more practice and I think we may have exhausted our efforts with ETC. The R&S phonics workbooks look good for him (a good fit). I just want to be cautious about "busy work" or "too much writing". He is already going to be using a penmanship workbook and a skills workbook (very gentle - cutting, pasting stuff).


Do you have any thoughts on the Rod & Staff phonics for first grade? Not as a teaching tool as he can read but as a reinforcement/cementing/practicing tool. . . (I sent you a ridiculously long email last night by the way!):001_smile:

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I believe you will need the TM for the phonics. The problem is the pages will just have a letter sound (a--short a) at the top of the page and you will have no idea of what to do with it. The sections have short instructions for the child, but sometimes you will have to look and see what is suppose to be done. You can totally just do the phonics book and nothing else. The handwriting and workbook pages are just busywork for the most part. I hope I was of some help.

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The first grade *phonics* materials are good, and their workbooks (and phonics flashcards). The *readers* are acceptable; some people use them as part of their Bible instruction. However, the *reading* instruction and workbooks (and word and sentence flash cards) are sight reading. I cannot recommend those.



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