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3 yo suddenly chewing on everything?

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My foster son just turned 3 in January. The past two weeks he has started chewing on everything His sleeves are wet up to the elbows. Toys, fingers, you name it he chews on it.


No new teeth that I can see. He has his 2-year molars.


DD8 said maybe he is nervous because he has been with us for almost 7 months, which is how long he was with his previous foster family before he was moved to us. She is so sweet to think of that.


Any other causes of a sudden oral phase?

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I don't know why, but I had two chewers. The first chewer would literally eat his collar off his clothes, and the front out of tee-shirts, toys would just disappear, we tried giving him a strip of leather to chew, we pinned it onto his top, he chewed it so much that in one week we threw it out as it was disgusting. It went on for about 4 years, from age 4ish to 8ish. The second chewer started at 5, I ended up buying gum, he is 7 now and still occasionally chews his clothes.

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My 3 year old still puts so much stuff in her mouth. It drives me crazy - I'm constantly telling her to take something out of her mouth. I really think it is a sensory thing for her - for whatever reason, when she's playing with an object part of the play involves 'taste'. :tongue_smilie: I'm just waiting for her to grow out of it.

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My sons went through late chewy phases. I hung chewies around their necks to use in the house: it gave them permission to get the oral stimulation they needed, without destroying things. They were quite good about hanging up their chewies and coping without when on the road. They grew out of the phase.



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