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Can't decide what to do for history this year-WWYD?

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Trying to decide for ds 7 1/2(will be 2nd grade) and dd who will have just turned 6(will be 1st grade).


Background: We have done parts of SL K and 1 and Galloping the Globe. We are bored with Core K, my kids need more hands-on and I've not been good about adding it. They loved GtG, we did lots of hands-on with that one, and my ds loves geography. Core 1 we did the Usborne books and a lot of the read alouds, but they weren't ready for the history. (That was last year).


Option#1: MFW Adventures. This is what we were all set to do for this school year, we have already bought it and all the deluxe items. I would prefer to introduce World History before American, but we have learned about Ancient civilizations in a casual way from various books we've read and discussed, in no particular order.


The pros with Adventures for us, was the composer study and art that is integrated and scheduled, along with notebooking and hands-on activities. I do think my kids would enjoy this program a lot. Plus, I was kind of looking forward to a break from the intensity of SL and it's many, many read-alouds.


The cons of Adventures are why I am rethinking. First, I plan to do SL cores 3 and 4 in the future, and I feel like we'll do American history too much. Second, I read some stuff I strongly disagree with in one of the CLP spines and distrust it now. Not sure I even want to read it to my kids. Showed it to dh and he asked "Why do we own this?!"


Option #2: SL Core 1. I already own this, and we've done bits of it last year. I think they're older and ready to do it in its entirety this year, but I would have to schedule in hands-on and art on my own. I was thinking of adding notebooking and some activities from WP's Hideaways in History program, and/or adding Hands and Hearts Kits. I priced that though and it sure does add up quick and I have spent a ton for this school year already! Also considering the CHOW activity book and workbook. Any opinions on those?


Pros of Core 1 are that I already own it, and I would feel better about World History first. And I am used to SL's format. Also, my 7 year old has expressed interest in learning more about Ancient Egypt.


Cons of Core 1 are that I have to add hands-on, notebooking, etc, myself. And if we do cores 1 now and 2 next year, then there is no time for Adventures so I guess I would sell it and probably lose some money on it.

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You own Adventures, so I'd do it. If you don't like the CLP book, remove it and sub with other books you do like. Adventures will give you a structure, some activities, and be an age-appropriate amount of content. It won't be so much as to preclude doing SL3 and 4 later. We did a survey of american before starting world, and I'm glad we did it that way. We tend to cycle through history a bit fast because we school year-round, so we'll actually hit american again in 4th.


Just as a question, is there some reason you aren't considering SOTW? Doing that straight would give you everything you're wanting (hands-on, writing, etc.) and be age-appropriate. Then you could use SL just for read alouds.

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:iagree: Do Adventures. Are you a member of the MFW Adventures Yahoo group? You might want to ask the question on there about a sub. for the CLP book as a spine. Very helpful group. We're doing ECC next year and then RtR. Many don't like the "dryness" of Streams of Civ. so we might sub. in another "spine" for that. Not hard to do. Don't toss the baby out with the bathwater, right?

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Go ahead and do Adventures. Is the Am. history book you're talking about Exploring American History? Since that's a 5th grade text anyway, you could easily just skip it with your kids. If you and your dh really dislike the book, either sell it now or set it aside to sell it with the whole package later, if you plan to do that. (And FTR, there are many families who've done Adv. that didn't like that book for one reason or another, including us. You won't lose anything by not using it. The Book Basket list will give you many, many other choices.)


Also, just FYI for future reference... the entirety of that book isn't read in Adv. Only parts of it are scheduled to fill in gaps here and there, so you're not getting the "whole" of the publisher's viewpoint. (I'm guessing that's what you're referring to in your post. ;) ) MFW doesn't use ALL the books from any one publisher for that very reason (including SOTW), because that isn't their goal. Their goal is to give a balanced, well-rounded view of history with a biblical perspective... not any one author's perspective.


Also, on the point that you plan to do SL 3 & 4 later on, I wouldn't worry about that, either. Adventures if a fun, fast-paced, one-year "overview" of American history, highlighting key people and events, the 50 states, patriotic songs and symbols, the names and characteristics of Jesus, and many hands-on science experiments that tie in with the names of Jesus. One example is that while learning about Jesus as "the Bread of Life", some things scheduled are doing a yeast experiment, making bread for the neighbors, and talking about meaning of Communion. When doing SL 3/4 later, you'll go into much more depth over a longer period of time.



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Thank you! That was exactly what I need to hear. Thanks for the info on MFW, Donna A. It is indeed Exploring American History, so it was reasurring to hear that it can be skipped without impacting the program.


I feel better now! I tend to overthink every little thing.

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Just as a question, is there some reason you aren't considering SOTW? Doing that straight would give you everything you're wanting (hands-on, writing, etc.) and be age-appropriate. Then you could use SL just for read alouds.


I actually own all 4 volumes of SOTW, because I own SL core 6 and 7 from my oldest son using them, and SOTW is the spine. I even own the SOTW 1 activity guide, so it really is something I might consider next year. I was wondering if it would bore my kids when they come up in cores 6 and 7 when they do them in the future, having already read them, but I suppose that so many years will go by they won't really remember, and it'll be different reading them to themselves. But I also already own core 1, so feel like I should get some use out of it.


Basically, I'm a terrible curriculum junkie and I over complicate things.

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