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How can I make my table look better?

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Our dining/school table is looking rough. It is solid wood and we bought it used because I knew we'd beat it up anyway (we have!). I don't mind the dents but there are several spots where the finish is worn off. I tried the wood colored markers and they didn't make it look much better. Any ideas how to make the wood look nicer without sanding it down?

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Our dining/school table is looking rough. It is solid wood and we bought it used because I knew we'd beat it up anyway (we have!). I don't mind the dents but there are several spots where the finish is worn off. I tried the wood colored markers and they didn't make it look much better. Any ideas how to make the wood look nicer without sanding it down?


I have a heavy sheet of plastic that fits on the top of our table (about 1/8-1/4 in thick). It has kept a lot of the scratching off of the table.


You might consider getting a decorative piece of cloth that would fit under the protective plastic. (Though I suppose that come pretty close to a tablecloth)


Or have you tried the liquid scratch cover? I get a slightly darker color than my wood needs. It is different from the pens. Won't fix gouges, but can cover a lot of scratching.

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I almost wrote "no tablecloth" because I just knew some smarty-pants would suggest it.


I wouldn't choose a tablecloth either. BUT if you use a tablecloth, THEN top it off with a piece of cut glass, you eliminate all the negatives of the tablecloth. The glass is easy to clean, and you don't have to worry about washing the tablecloth endlessly. Check your local auto glass store to see if they will cut for you. We've had that done for both our dining room table when we used it in our kitchen, and with a large buffet where my school things are stored. The glass was a great investment, as it protected the wood.

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Brown shoe polish? (The liquid kind.) You can combine colors to get it to blend in.... Also, Old English scratch coat (which is also a very dark brown color) may prove helpful. Let it soak in and then reapply to the trouble areas until they are as dark as the rest of the wood. You need to keep everything away from it until it dries well or you'll end up with brown smudges on whatever touches it....

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Once you've chosen the polish (something safe for children to handle), I would put together a wood polishing kit for the kids. Teach them how to set up the work, how to do the work, and how put away the work.

You'd be surprised how kids love this type of thing, and your table will look all the better for it.


Edited by helena
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Our dining/school table is looking rough. It is solid wood and we bought it used because I knew we'd beat it up anyway (we have!). I don't mind the dents but there are several spots where the finish is worn off. I tried the wood colored markers and they didn't make it look much better. Any ideas how to make the wood look nicer without sanding it down?

Every so often my dh refinishes our table. It would look like a mess if he didn't . Other than that, maybe you need to cover it with something to protect it.

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