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Looking for a specific book -- simple living

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A few years ago I had a book out from the library and quite enjoyed it, so am trying to get my hands on a copy again. However, I can't remember the title, and we've moved from that city so I can't just go and search shelves to hopefully stumble upon it. I'm hoping someone here will recognize my description and know what book I'm talking about!


The cover of the book was dark (black?) with a picture of a house (I think) in the center. It talked about simple living, the importance of community, eating locally, etc. Some specific parts I remember include:

-a passage about using an entire room of your house for storage, and how much of a mortgage goes toward paying for 'stuff'

-how much better off we'd be if we'd use our lawns for gardens instead of pretty green blankets of grass

-going back to eating food in season instead of, for example, getting strawberries from another part of the world in January (and a story about how much he enjoyed the first strawberries of the summer as a kid)

-how the author and his wife built their own house (I think in the mountains somewhere?)


Does anyone recognize this description and know the name of the book I'm talking about?

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A Reasonable Life: Toward a Simpler, Secure, More Humane Existence




It has a dark cover with a picture of a house in the middle of it -- that's all I know about it.


That's IT!! Oh, I love you! I've been trying to remember the title of that book for at least two years! Yay! Thanks for making my day. :D

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