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Dive Science Biology

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I plan to use DIVE Biology next year when my dd is in 9th grade.


I e-mailed the company about my question and Dr Shorman very kindly responded. Here is the message he sent me.


The lessons are about 20-30 minutes, and double that if lab videos are included. Of course, the actual time it takes to complete a lecture or lab will be longer and vary greatly among students, depending on how much they need to pause and/or rewind as they take notes and learn new concepts. Please let me know if you have other questions.

God bless,

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We use this. The lectures are 20-30 minutes with a worksheet to complete, so maybe 50 minutes total. Labs average about an hour each when you stop the cd to do the steps yourself.


We have been happy with it. It does extend your time doing science, since the student may already be reading an hour/day. For us there are about 2 lectures per week.

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We use this. The lectures are 20-30 minutes with a worksheet to complete, so maybe 50 minutes total. Labs average about an hour each when you stop the cd to do the steps yourself.


Yep, 20-30 minutes. And not every single lesson has a lecture; some don't have one, so you just read and do a sheet of review questions.


We only watch some of the labs, as we just do many of them on our own. They are very well done, though.


I really like it. I didn't want a full course like the BJU DVDs, because that takes too much time when dc are already reading all the information themselves. This is just the perfect amount of instruction, and I like that we can watch the labs that we aren't completing on our own.

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