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Let's make a list of Calculus video materials....

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UC Open Access - Gives coordinated reading from several common texts.


NROC (Monterey Institute) - appears to be same as UC Open Access above. Eg. Calculus AB - semester 1 is the same


National Math and Science Initiative AP Calculus wiki for AB and BC


There is writing with printed equations and a voice explaining.


Includes handout to go with the lecture.


This is new and still developing in 2010-11 so the server goes off for a few minutes sometimes.


Khan Academy


MIT Openware



only has Limits and Continuity and Finding Derivatives for free


Selwyn Hollis - University of Houston

My quicktime wouldn't work on these though..


Free Power Point lectures


Greg Kelly - Hanford High School


Ones to Buy


Chalkdust - goes with Larson Calculus of Single Variable


Thinkwell - not sure which text they use..



Edited by Joan in Geneva
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The MIT Opencourseware is excellent; lots of the classes include assignments with solutions, lecture notes, exams with solutions, etc. Prof. Auroux's multivariable calc lectures are really good (and subtitled, in case your student gets distracted by his pretty French accent :)).


I also recommend Thinkwell's single variable calc with Prof. Burger. The instructor is wonderful, and the course provides practice problems and quizzes. The practice problems aren't especially numerous, though, so some people supplement with an exercise book.

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I am about 2/3 of the way through Ask Dr. Callahan which uses a 2001 edition of one of the Stewart textbooks. I recommend it especially for those who want an expert (I'm not a math degree holder) to choose problems to work. Dr. C is an engineer prof.; what he assigns is sufficient for our purposes. (Bio. major dd intends to take calc I in college also.)


The videos are shorter than Dana Mosley videos are. This is a positive to me. I own the Dana videos but have not looked at them.


The text, solutions and study guide can be found on used book portals for a total price of less than $25. I bought the dvds used. There's also some free online interactive stuff organized by chapter and section at www.stewartcalculus.com


NB: Dr. C. supports even those "customers" who buy the program second hand.

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Wow, this is great for selection everyone! I had thought there were others but couldn't find my links.


We've been using Dana Moseley via the Houghton Mifflin that IGWN mentioned (I just lumped them together with Chalkdust - but it is more correct to separate them). My son couldn't tolerate him for Precalc and used Khan as necessary, but not regularly - now maybe out of desperation and since it is easily linked to his text, he's accepting him for Calculus.


I was interested to see that there are videos for Stewart.


And DIVE is for Saxon.


So has anyone compared many of these who could talk about the different virtues? (I'm guessing part of it is which textbook to choose but presentation must weigh in for something).



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I just found it on my list of unsorted bookmarks - so I'm not even sure when I found it! Sorry, I know that is no help.


I was doing an enormous amount of calculus research in January, so I probably found it when searching for syllabi or following other links. Then it got lost in the mess.


I see now that it is for Stewart.


I would say to search the author, book, syllabus, video...




Edited by Joan in Geneva
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  • 3 weeks later...

That's the Brightstorm link that Joan posted above. :) The videos are incredibly good!!!


I don't think that that any text is tied to the videos - similar to Khan Academy videos. The concept is to provide excellent math instruction for free so it's available to anyone.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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