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Time Traveler's Series CDs???


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Has anyone used these from Homeschool in the Woods? I'm considering them with our American History this year. Can you tell me if you (and your children) liked them? Were they worth it and did they add extra to your studies?


I noticed also that WinterPromise offers a pack where they've printed out most of the projects already on different papers. If you've used these before, do you think that would be worth it?


Thanks in advance,

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I haven't used them yet (planning American history for fall) but I have printed out the samples and I'm currently working on blending these with our spine and truthquest. They look great and I have heard nothing but great things about them.


I saw winterpromise but I like putting together the subject to work perfectly with us and there is no way I would be able to afford their price ....




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That's my thought also. The price is a bit much, but I do think its cool that they print it out on different type papers. I suppose I could if I really want to but I also don't want to take up much room.


We are going on an American History RV trip for the rest of this year and space is at a premium. With the cd's I thought I could just print out what I need when I need it.


I just needed confirmation that these were a wise investment. :)

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We are going on an American History RV trip for the rest of this year and space is at a premium.


I just can't resist the urge to tell you that your trip sounds fantastic!!! (Yes, I am jealous!)


Would the information you pick up at various sites not be enough, or do you feel/fear that there will be too many gaps?

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That's my thought also. The price is a bit much, but I do think its cool that they print it out on different type papers. I suppose I could if I really want to but I also don't want to take up much room.


We are going on an American History RV trip for the rest of this year and space is at a premium. With the cd's I thought I could just print out what I need when I need it.


I just needed confirmation that these were a wise investment. :)


What a awesome experience your family will have! Do you think there is enough room for us?;)


I hope you will be able to blog about your trip and plans..... I was talking about this with my husband for plans in the future and it would be wonderful.


Have you looked at this site? http://homeschoolacrossamerica.com/

it may be helpful and inspiring.


also the cd's would work nicely with reducing space in the RV , just print as you go..... should work nicely!


Good luck!

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We have used the Explorers CD and the Colonial Times one, as well... the quality is top notch! The creator, Amy Pak, includes 25 lesson plans for you to follow, but I found myself picking and choosing which projects I wanted to do, depending on my mood and my boys' interests. The directions are super easy to follow and the variety of activities is wonderful-- more than we needed, in fact, but choices are always nice :o)


Anyway-- this series is wonderful... I highly recommend it!

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I looked it over very thoroughly and can't wait to get started! What I noticed is that the directions tell you what kind of paper to print the projects on. Of course, you could always use plain white. But for some of the projects, they would recommend cream color (looks more aged!), or sometimes colored paper, but again it would be optional.


I think if you get the program in advance, you could decide on anything that might need to be printed out before your trip. You could keep it in a file folder or such and have it ready to go when you are.


In my opinion, the price for the Time Traveler CD's is very reasonable.


Have a nice trip!



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We recently started the New World Explorers CD, as a complement to Sonlight's American history cores 100 and 3+4. I bought it directly from Homeschool in the Woods.


It's extremely well done, and definitely worth the money! My 4th grader, in particular, *really* enjoys it. I fully plan on buying the rest of the CDs!

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Has anyone used these from Homeschool in the Woods? I'm considering them with our American History this year. Can you tell me if you (and your children) liked them? Were they worth it and did they add extra to your studies?


We are doing SOTW3 this year and I bought the Colonial Times Time Travelers CD to complement our studies. We read and did our normal work with SOTW until we got to the first chapter in colonial America. We then stopped SOTW and focused on Time Travelers. It is a 30 day unit study, so it will incorporate other subjects such as copywork and science (very minimal) plus writing projects. It is extremely well done like others have said, Amy's art work is gorgeous! And, there were so many projects my daughter and I wanted to try, we ended up doing this over a 2 month period. If I were to use another cd in this series, though, I think I would pick and choose more to keep it to a one month study. We got burned out at the end.


We ended up making the lapbook and all notebooking pages. It is great to have all the resources there for you to print out. But, if you are going to take this on the road, I would suggest going through the cd several times, picking exactly what you want to do, and gathering the materials for it. I gathered materials weekly, but I think I would just do it all in advance if I were to do it again.


This WAS one of our highlights for history this year and I am SO tempted to get the Revolutionary War one that is for sale right now on the for sale board for $18ppd. :) Which, if you don't want to pay full price, you could go buy that one, if it is the one you are looking for!


My daughter pulls her lapbook out and looks over it frequently. She shows it to other people too. The author just did such a nice job putting it together that I'm sure my daughter will hold on to it for a long time. We use Homeschool in the Woods timeline figures and Book of Time as well. :)

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I'm so glad to hear others loved this series. I'm definitely going to buy them and look for that one for sale. I hadn't noticed it yet.


We are very excited about our trip, and yes, it will be quite alot just to see everything, except that we might not do everything quite in historical order. I figure if we read books in chronological order and timeline it, then when we get to a place we've learned about, they will understand its signifigance in history or vice versa if we get to someplace before we've gone over it. I'm also a curriculum junkie (couldn't decide between Sonlight 3 and WP American Story - so bought both used). My plans are to let the actual curriculum last as long as it takes; no schedules. And so many good books to read. :)


I will definitely be blogging about it on our blog and posting many pics. The biggest problem is really just the space. A 30 foot Class C motorhome looks huge to drive, but looks much smaller when you start packing it. ;) I've basically got the space under the couch for homeschooling supplies. I figure I can fit alot of books, math manipulatives, crafts, etc. under there.


Thanks again for letting me know about the TT series. Off to go look for it used... or buy it new.

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We have used the colonial, the revolution, and just in the last month the early 19th century all this year with SOTW 3! We did not do everything, but loved all the crafts, pictures, the newspapers that my gets to write about the time periods etc... My sons love them! (ages 9 and 6)


Blessings on your trip.


Angie (home4fun)

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The Time Travelers has been an awesome way for me to bridge the gap between my older son and my younger kids. We started off using AAH this year and using World Explorers to supplement, but in the end we used the CD's and then filled in our reading with AAH and library books. We are so excited she came out with a new one. Once we finish up with the American Revolution, we'll be moving on to the fourth CD!

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We used Colonial Life last summer for a small co-op meeting once a week in my home and LOVED it. It is put together very nicely. If you want to see what we did, here is the direct link to our blog that talks about TT Colonial Life: HERE


I couldn't recommend this unit study highly enough. :)

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