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Ambleside placement help please

Mommy to monkeys

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Ok. . .so I'm 99.99999999999 percent sure I want to used Ambleside Online next year.


The two kids I'm looking to place are 6 yr old dd (she'll be 7 first week in Oct) and 8 yr old ds. I also a 1year old and a 2yr old in the mix! The two ideas I'm toying around with are either:

-putting dd in year1 with ds in year2.

In this case ds would be able to read many of his own readings, and I'd be reading to them separately. My toddlers don't get along, and it seems to be easier to leave one of my older kids to play with the littles while I read to an older one. . .and then take turns. It's very hard to read to both big kids at the same time. . .the toddlers are not easy going. On the downside. . .I'd be doing two programs.


-putting both kids in year2 together

I'd be doing all of the reading, but only for one program. I've looked at the readings and I think it would be possible to get some done in the morning, and then the rest of the readings during naptime. . .but I still wonder if just doing them separately would be easier.




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join the Ambleside Yahoo Group and ask there! The ladies are super helpful and very experienced. I'm still relatively new at Ambleside and my kids are 3 yrs. apart. There's no right answer. I hear many moms say it's easier to keep in separate years because by Year 4 they should be mostly independent. If you're doing a lot of the reading to them, combining may be easier. But if they are reading a lot alone, having the same year long term would likely cause headaches sharing books, etc.


Ambleside is pretty challenging reading---would your almost 7yo not be frustrated in Y2? Be ready for the jump in difficulty in Y4? I'm probably not much help----I'd join the Yahoo Group even if you're not totally sure yet:) Gina

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I agree with joining the Yahoo group. They are very helpful.


Since you have 2 toddlers plus 2 starting Ambleside, you might want to try combining them for the first year to see how it goes and how much time it takes you. You could even choose selections from both Year 1 and 2. When both of you dc are more independent readers, they could branch into separate years. There is a Year 3.5 available for those not ready to start Year 4, as Year 4 does become a lot more difficult.


I hope you find what works for you. We have been doing AO since the beginning, currently in Year 3, and we love it!


Take care,


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and try and join the yahoo group later today. . .at nap time;)


Whether I keep them separately or apart, I honestly think it will be easier than this year. We went with separate textbooks for each child and I felt that it took soo much time to look over shoulders, then grade. And then we read a ton of books too, because they don't really retain anything from their textbooks. . .and they like books. =)


I think Ambleside will be a good change:D

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I have not used AO, but I have read everything on their site multiple times just out of curiosity. Take my advice for what it's worth: not much! ;) I would put both of your kids together in year 1. Year 2 readings would be too much for a 6/7 year old and Year 1 readings would not be too watered down for an 8 year old.



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We just started with AO this January. My girls I have always done together in the younger one's grade level....I started the oldest one late because she just wasn't ready. So the girls have started AO at level 4 and are doing fine with it... I could have put them in AO5 but this was the part of history I wanted to have them at and I also wanted to ease them into AO. They love AO. I can have them reading while I work one on one with Eli.... it works very well.


My son has been a slow reader and so I didn't want to overwhelm him. At eh suggestion of someone at the AO Yahoo site, I put Eli into AO2. It is perfect for him! I do a lot of the reading but we are beginning to read back and forth to each other. The subject matter is great....he loves the kings and knights, etc. He loves the literature selections. It is a perfect placement.

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I second the advice to either keep your older children in separate years (which I believe is usually the advice given at Ambleside Online), or to use Year 1 for both of them. A couple of things to consider which might help you decide: are your children competitive or is one easily discouraged? Narration is a key element of a CM education, so how will your children feel about each of them narrating the same reading?


I have done it both ways, but I tend to combine until about Year 3 or 4. The Ambleside Online book choices are not easy reading, so even an older child can benefit from a (much) younger year.



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I have not used AO, but I have read everything on their site multiple times just out of curiosity. Take my advice for what it's worth: not much! ;) I would put both of your kids together in year 1. Year 2 readings would be too much for a 6/7 year old and Year 1 readings would not be too watered down for an 8 year old.




I have done Ambleside Online for years. This is the advise that I have given to new moms who have children in your similar situation.


I usually say put them both in year 1. If the 8 year old can handle it, he will move quickly into year 2 if not that's OK too.


I think what is important is that you focus on the work the child needs to do. For example, concentrate on doing the copywork and dictations for the 8 year old and 6 year old. Make it different, but using the same books. If the children don't finish all the books, just go to the next year as long as they have started. The main things are a) narrations b) copywork c)dictations. Once you have done that you should be OK.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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We used Ambleside and I found the readings to be VERY advanced. I would put them both in Year One and see how it goes. Many of the books are either available at the library or on Project Gutenburg for free. You could give it a try first without buying many books and move on to Year Two if you decide Year One is not for you.




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Thanks for everyone's responses. I'm definitely leaning toward NOT combining in year 2. . .dd is a typical kid and would greatly benefit from year1, I believe.

That being said, ds has read every scheduled book in year1 except An Island Story, Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare, and Parables from Nature. He's a great reader and a born narrator. I just can't see doing year one with him. He could read much on Year 2 on his own. . . .


so I'm leaning toward year1 for dd and year2 for ds. Now off to join the Ambleside Yahoo group.:auto:


Forgot about Trial and Triumph. . .we haven't read that book either, but we're not going to.;)

Edited by Mommy to monkeys
forgot to mention
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