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Any nurses here? 9 yr old with achy right side

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My dd9 started with an ache in her side yesterday afternoon. First thing I suspected was constipation, because she is prone to it. Sure enough she hadn't gone that day. I gave her lots of fluids, a laxative, Vit C drink and made her excersize, She went twice then. The pain persisted. She moped around most of the evening. No fever, Ate some supper.


Around 8 she said it doesn't hurt anymore. She went to bed, woke around 11 with her side hurting. Dh was with her and didn't think it was serious enough to warrent a ER visit.She was awake about 2 hrs and fell asleep again.


This morning she says it doesn't hurt anymore. She is playing hard, had oatmeal for breakfast, still didn't go.


Lower right pain that comes and goes. Dh tried the appendicitis test of pressing on her side and letting go. No extra pain. Just a mild ache. Should we take her to the Dr?

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Keep an eye on it but maybe she just pulled a muscle a bit.


That being said, Ds had what some doctors call a 'hot appendix' where the inflammation comes and goes. He hasn't had an issue in a few years but when it does happen he is in extreme pain for a few hours, then it is gone again. We stopped going to the doctor for it because by the time we usually get there and into see the doc, he is better. :glare: We got the hot appendix dx by actually getting him to the dr in time for him to examine him while he hurt, but the dr also seeing that he was better 15 minutes later. He had had this once or twice a year for several years. The dr says that some people outgrow it. It has been about 2 years now since his last pain episode.

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I am not a nurse, but when I was a kid, I had bad pain in my right side. My mom called the doctor and he told her to have me sit and try to lift my right leg. If it was painful to do that, then it was my appendix. I would probably have it checked. Appendix can go from bad to worse, quickly.

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I am not a nurse, but when I was a kid, I had bad pain in my right side. My mom called the doctor and he told her to have me sit and try to lift my right leg. If it was painful to do that, then it was my appendix. I would probably have it checked. Appendix can go from bad to worse, quickly.


She says it doesn't. Right now it's not hurting.

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I am a peds nurse, and appendicitis is notoriously hard to diagnose, especially in the early stages. Typically, it will start with pain around the belly button which eventually moves to the lower right side. A child usually vomits and is quite nauseous. A low-grade fever is usually present. There may be constipation as well. That's the classic presentation.....which some children's bodies choose to ignore. :lol: However, there is one constant in virtually all kids with appendicitis....they won't eat. My ped always asked how the kids were eating. If they had abdominal pain and were eating normally, it's probably not appendicitis. Sounds to me like she probably strained a muscle, but if you feel uneasy, have her ped examine her. I'm sure he/she will put your fears to rest.

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Our then-5yo dd spent the day in bed, but it wasn't until she said "It feels like a shark is biting me" that we loaded her into the van on Memorial Day & drove to the ER.


Her appendix ruptured (likely) while in the van, and they removed it faster than I could get to the hospital without the 3 other kids in tow! (DH was with her the whole time.)


It really is hard to diagnose! (We had spent the previous day with another family who ended up with a sick family member that next day too--but he just had a stomach ache!)


An emergency appendectomy is a bit routine, and they will take good care of you all if indeed this is the problem!

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