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I'm looking ahead for my 4-yr-old who will be turning 5 in April. She already knows most if her short letter sounds but isn't yet blending...well, she sort of is, she blends her 3 letter words but then gets excited and blurts out an entirely different word, LOL.


In any case, would MFW K be too boring for her since she already knows her sounds?


Also - how does it work with the picture books? Our local library isn't very good, so would we need to buy the recommended titles for each week? (Eek?) Must you have then, or are they optional, and can I find a list of them somewhere?


I think MFW 1st would be too advanced for her, but correct me if I'm wrong.


I like the idea of having a more integrated K year for her, but if her reading just doesn't match up with MFW K I'm willing to just keep piecing it together :).

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We use MFW K and LOVE it. Our library is very pathetic to be nice- we just find a few books on topic. They NEVER have the recommended books but they do have books on whatever topic we are on (so far). We do 2-3 nonfiction books and a bunch of fiction books. If she is starting to blend you could skip ahead to the blend ladders and skip the first few lessons that just teach sounds. They also do math concepts, handwriting, Bible and Science. I would highly recommend MFW K. My son just loves it! :D

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By the end of MFW K the child should be reading CVC words well. We are getting towards the end of MFW K with two 6 year olds and I find there is plenty there for them. I've been moving them through the program faster than I would with a 4 year old (we do each week in 3 days). When we started the program they knew most letter sounds and were still working on blending.


I've purchased several of the go along books each week but we do occasionally skip them and I think the program is fine without them.

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Ah, another question. We use MUS and already have those blocks. Could I sub them for the Cuisenaire type so my DD doesn't have to relearn the blocks later? Has anyone tried doing this with the cuis. book they recommend?


They are very different. One of the main points of Cuisinaire is that they are not segmented so there is no counting of the units, just size comparisons. The MUS are segmented units, and they are also much larger than the Cuisinaire rods, so they won't fit, and the colors won't match. Sorry :tongue_smilie:

I plan to use a different math anyway, though.

Edited by LittleIzumi
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Ah, another question. We use MUS and already have those blocks. Could I sub them for the Cuisenaire type so my DD doesn't have to relearn the blocks later? Has anyone tried doing this with the cuis. book they recommend?

I am planning on buying a wood set of CR and painting them to match MUS blocks.


I have brainstormed and looked at different options and that seems to be the easiest.


I LOVE MUS and do not want to change that program, but we are supplimenting with Miquon and looking at MFW K.

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I have done MFW K for 2 years in a row. We did it more as a pre-K program though. My library almost NEVER had the recommended books, but I found lots more resources on the MFW message board. I didn't really use the math that they did...I didn't like the moth book thing with the rods....


But we love the program overall. My Dd loves all the cutting and pasting....when Ds did it last year, he got a little annoyed with that part after awhile.

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You wanted to see the K reading list. I am having a hard time finding the list on their website right now. I know they just updated their website a week or so ago and it's on there.....


but you don't have to have the exact titles in order to do the K program. they are just thematically suggested titles to go with the unit. Someone mentioned the Ideas section of the mfw board for other titles.


Switching of the C. Rods and MUS block with the C. Rod book. As was said, it is not an easy sub. Ideas: build your own blocks, go ahead and buy the C. Rods anyway, (we use both C Rods and MUS). Or have the child build the shapes on the tables instead of on the paper. Find a fancy way to enlarge the pages....

honestly, use the C. Rods and make it easy on your self. Don't worry about the different colors,

or skip this book if you don't want to use it. It is for thinking skills with math.


This was said too - but it is not a waste of time if they already know letter sounds.

It is very easy to kick up the lessons if they need more to do

here are specific examples to do that. check the whole thread. I have a long list and another lady (jasntas) has a list too



if I find the new location of the Kindy reading list.....



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