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Photographers... I need some help!

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It's not every day you have a newborn to play with! My grandson is due to arrive any day now and I've been poring over infant photography shots and drooling.


I have my limitations, but I'd love to have some shots turn out... so, I could use some tips...


I will be using my Canon rebel EOS and borrowing a friends 50mm 1.8 lens.


Here is one photo I took for fun... to see what I could do... but, as you can see, it needs some work and the baby is due any day now.



Can you give me some "shooting at home" tips?



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Have fun! I love photographing newborns.


First, if you are going to try the mirror shot, get a hot water bottle or heating pad and warm up the mirror first or that baby will wake right up, and be unhappy.


Warm fuzzy blankets work well (I have a brown furry looking one that looks awesome in newborn shots) Also, having the parent wear black on a black backdrop while holding the baby in various ways works well.


Do the shoot soon after a feeding when the baby is all sleepy and cuddly.


Crank up the heat in the house if you are doing nude shots, it'll sleep better.


Don't forget closeups of the feet, hands, ears, etc.


Things that emphasize how tiny the baby is are fun too. (Dad's hands or boots, etc.) Here's a shot I did that everyone loves...it was just on my kitchen table with some towels.



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Have you been shooting in Auto mode? I would suggest switching over to portrait mode (the profile icon), and making sure your white balance is set right. Also, you might try using as much natural light as possible (shoot next to a mirror that's close to a window, maybe?) and forgoing the flash if you can. It's washing out the highlights in your bear.

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Thanks... nutty me... being a beginner I didn't take several with different settings and options. I will practice some more. I will be playing with light... I have a lot of natural light available here!


What is white balance? :blushing:

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What is white balance? :blushing:


White balance sets the point at which your camera sees things as white. There are different setting for different kinds of light (fluorescent, tungsten, daylight...) Your manual should be able to tell you how to change it on your specific camera, or a Canon user can tell you. lol-- I use a Sony Alpha a900 myself, so I'm no help with Canon-specific settings.

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Thanks... nutty me... being a beginner I didn't take several with different settings and options. I will practice some more. I will be playing with light... I have a lot of natural light available here!


What is white balance? :blushing:


Also, that's what it takes to get better. Practice! If I don't shoot every day, I feel stiff & uncomfortable with my shooting. It's a skill you'll keep getting better at if you keep at it & are open to instruction.

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