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Suggestions for 5th grader

Rich with Kids

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A neighborhood girl called me yesterday and said she was going to start homeschooling and her mother needed to know what to do. :001_huh: I don't know these people, but I would like to offer them something in the way of advice. She's 10 and in 5th grade. I don't think they are concerned about anything more than what this girl would get from public school. I was thinking along the lines of K12. Any other ideas? I told her I'd email her some information and then, to be honest, I'm out! I don't have time to plan another child's education. :glare: Thank you!

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Suggest her mother pick of a copy of The Well Trained Mind. ;)


You know I went there, but if mom is having her 10yo call me to get info, I'm thinking she's not going to be doing a lot of planning. I want to suggest something boxed or a complete curriculum online. This lady's reason for homeschooling is that she has a hard time getting her daughter to school on time. The girl has already missed all of the days she can miss for the year. Mom works 3 days a week 40 miles from here, so this kid will be home on her own to do school with an 8th grade sibling. The sibling does "virtual school". The little girl couldn't give me more info than that. I am at a loss here! I do not want to get too involved. I am not fond of this girl anyway. She bullies my dd9, but I don't want to just blow them off completely. The entire situation makes me uncomfortable. I figure I can send her an email with suggestions, and then I am done. :leaving:

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"I do not want to get too involved. I am not fond of this girl anyway. She bullies my dd9, but I don't want to just blow them off completely. The entire situation makes me uncomfortable. I figure I can send her an email with suggestions, and then I am done. "


My advice is to NOT get involved in any way at all! No email, nothing. She sounds like the type of mom who may hold you responsible for any thing you tell her.

Edited by cschnee
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Are you sure she meant curriculum kind of thing? If somebody said they needed to "know what to do" to homeschool I would assume they meant steps they needed to take to make homeschooling legal/official, not how/what they should teach.


What I got was "I'm pulling my kid out of school because getting her there is inconvenient." The more I think about it, the more I feel I should stay out of it. My kids haven't been in public school for 7 years. I wouldn't know where to begin with the legal side of it. Thanks for helping me think through it, ladies. :001_smile:

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