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Old History volumes by Durant - WWYD?

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So, my husband inherited a set of history books by Will Durant. They have titles like, "Our Oriental Heritage", "The Life of Greece", etc. I think it's the whole set he wrote - through Napoleon. We've had them forever, never once looked at them. They aren't doing any harm, kwim? But I'm really in decluttering mode, and if we move, I surely don't want to move such a heavy set.


Are they worth anything? Would you keep them? They're in good condition, dust jackets and everything . . . .


Looking for opinions!



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I have read this series twice, taking about 7 years to get through it. I copied this habit from a much-older brother of a college BF, and gave the habit to my sister.


The writing is clear enough you can easily see what each bit is about and skip if you want. My favourite was the one on Ancient Greece.


Check out this little wikipedia entry




and be sure to skip over to his wife's entry. Perhaps reading about their extraordinary lives will stimulate you. They are one of the people in history I really wish I'd met.


I used them as reference in college papers. My set is faded but in good shape as well.

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See, now that's interesting. . . . . .


I do think I would enjoy reading through them. That's one of the things I'd thought - we're doing TOG 1 next year, and I contemplated ploughing through them over the next few months. I'm a pretty quick reader, and enjoy history.


We got them from fil - he is a self-educated, highly intellectual man, who never rose higher in life than a box-manufacturing plant manager. Very, very interesting guy. Incredibly well-read, but socially non-functioning. Does that make sense? Anyways, don't know what that has to do with anything. . . .but dh's family always put a high priority on learning and knowledge.


Still haven't decided. . . . . . .

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They're great books, really. Have you ever read "The Day I Became an Autodidact," by Kendall Hailey? She left high school and educated herself, and started with these books. A very inspiring read for us homeschoolers!


If you really, really think you and your children will never read them, people will pay for them. The Durants have many fans, and it's quite difficult to assemble a full set of them used because people look for them. But really, I think they're worth keeping. I have a whole set taking up precious shelf space, and I'm usually pretty ruthless about not buying anything that I can get at the library (unless it's important to own, which this set is!).

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