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I am in love...

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with Thieves oil. Does anyone else use it? We were all passing a cold around for 6 weeks, we started this oil and all started feeling better that day. We use it everyday and we have not had any colds in over 2 months. (including 3 weeks in New York City and 2 plane rides) I love it! I don't sell it, I just want to make sure that other moms know about it as I can no longer imagine life with out it.




Also, our friends have been sick for 2 weeks now, we have played with them 3 times, and still nothing. I am a dancing happy momma!

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So this is the one that I have




I have heard of lots of ways to use it, the website even has one way. What we are doing is I put one drop on my finger, put it on the back of my tongues and inside of each cheek. This was how my friend who is a daycare teacher told me to do it. I do the same with the kids. The first few times it is a little shock as it is strong. We are all used to it now. My kids don't like the taste, but even the three year old associates feeling better from a long cold with the taste.


The next thing I am going to try is the hand sanitizer. It is oil based instead of alcohol based, so it is not supposed to dry your hands out as much.


I have also decided to meet an aromatherapist. I am so surprised that an oil is helping with so much. (I am a skeptical better living through chemistry person), but this is changing my mind. I heard they do mouth washes. Lotions to help with insomnia etc...

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I love Thieves oil. The taste makes me gag so I always just rub it on the outside along my sinuses, behind my ears etc... (wow! that stuff can clean out plugged sinuses, lol!). I love, love, love the Wintergreen Oil for sore muscles as well. Between the two I haven't had to take meds for colds, sinus infections, headaches, sore muscles etc in almost 8 years!

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I do the same with the kids. The first few times it is a little shock as it is strong. We are all used to it now. My kids don't like the taste, but even the three year old associates feeling better from a long cold with the taste.




Thieves is terribly caustic. If you are using it with little kids, be careful that they don't have it on their fingers and rub their eyes - very bad news.


When ds was 7 or 8, he tipped the bottle and a drop fell directly into his eye. That, I'm absolutely certain, was the most horrific, awful, frightening, terrible thing that has ever happened in my entire life. I thought for sure he'd burned his eyeball. I poured nearly half a bottle of olive oil directly into the kid's eye trying to get it out. [[[shudder]]] I don't even want to talk about it. He's lucky - he's not blind at any rate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We use oil of oregano and it seems to help with immune bossting as well...as longas you don't mind smelling like a hoagie;)



Never heard of Thieves Oil, however. Thank you for this thread and for letting us know. Will look into it. We hate to get sick, particularly during traveling and from long flights.

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I took care of my dd's staph infection using thieves oil (as well as other things, but thieves was the main one) a couple of summers ago. I also have been told to use it with oregano and thyme oil (and maybe frankincense too?) and put in a capsule and swallow for illness. I need to restock.

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