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Teaching Company Highschool Chemistry Course or Thinkwell Chemistry ?

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I don't know anything about Thinkwell, but we *love* the Teaching Company course. Frank (? drawing a blank on his last name) is engaging and funny and does a great job of drawing the concepts together. We watched them at the end of our Apologia Chem course and it really solidified the concepts for my dd :)

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We have used them both-- the Teaching Company course is definitely high school, and basically a run-through on how to look at chemistry problems-- get them into moles, calculate quantities, solve accurately. Very good series and understandable.


The Thinkwell Chemistry is college level, so it is a whole lot more than solving equations. The professors are clear and engaging, and it is absolutely terrific, but again, this is college-level introductory stuff, so it was a bit challenging for us! I believe we gamely got through the first disk only. But I am very glad I bought it, and will use it again in a few more years when we tackle chemistry again.

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So does anyone have the Teaching Company chemistry dvds for sale at a good price?





Myra, I thought I saw them on the For Sale board, but don't see them any more. They're not currently on sale through the Teaching Company, but they will come up again within the year, I guess. Does your library carry them? Ours does...


Good luck!

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Nissi, we "looked" at the Thinkwell series last year, when ds was seventh grade doing chemistry. At the time the series was too advanced for in-depth work, but the little lectures were neat to watch, on all sorts of topics (do you see their table of contents from their website?). At that time we did not attempt to solve their problem sets.


However, I do think that all you need to excell in high school chemistry is Algebra II, so when we hit Chemistry again in two years, we should be adequately prepared in math skills. Our Saxon Algebra II textbook has quite a few chemistry-based problems in their problem sets toward the end of the book.


Hope that helps! What age/grade is your student in?

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Thank you, Anne. Ds. will be 13 in the fall and in eighth grade when we plan on doing Chemistry. He has finished Foerster's Algebra 1. I was considering ordering Thinkwell through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op which gives you online access to the course only for 12 months. Maybe, I should do the Teaching Co. DVDs for now and consider Thinkwell after he finishes up with Foerster's Algebra 2 in 9nth grade?



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No...I don't see any on sale on the sale forum and I missed the Teaching Company sale in December (actually didn't have the cash on hand then!) - and my library doesn't carry that title! Oh, well...I'll keep looking!




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I thought it was a nice addition though my mathie didn't need help with the math. Ds thought the teacher explained it in an opposite way to the Apologia text thus making it a complete view of the chemistry concepts. Some nice gal on the wtmboards, Tina - I think, gave me an outline of how the tapes lined up with the chapters in Apologia. I am sure we could find a link to it on the old board.



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Thank you, Anne. Ds. will be 13 in the fall and in eighth grade when we plan on doing Chemistry. He has finished Foerster's Algebra 1. I was considering ordering Thinkwell through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op which gives you online access to the course only for 12 months. Maybe, I should do the Teaching Co. DVDs for now and consider Thinkwell after he finishes up with Foerster's Algebra 2 in 9nth grade?




You're in a very similar position as we were in seventh grade, so I would imagine that the Teaching Company video set would be an excellent component, but the Thinkwell might be a bit "over the top," as it was for us. Since it is only a 12-month deal through the Homeschool Buyers Coop, you might be well advised to wait a bit... and of course, who knows, in a year or two there might be even better chemistry videos to choose!

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I saw only one set on e-bay.......but it was the VCR not DVDs....now that doesn't matter to me, but I was wondering since Teaching Company no longer sells it as a VCR...is the one on e-bay an older version that hasn't been updated or is it the same version, just older technology? Anyone know?



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