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Singapore 1B.....1A?

trying my best

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And now i am thinking if 1A would be better? I looked through 1B and thought it would be easy for my son to do.

1A is a bit too easy i thought. But now not buying 1A i am thinking what if i will miss something?

DS can do addition and subtraction with carrying over and with borrowing. He can do word problems.


Sooo... I am still thinking to get 1A (just in case maybe?)? But on the other hand i dont want him to be bored for 2 months...


And also... it says its for second graders? Isnt it too easy for 2nd grade? and where would be 1st grade start?

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And now i am thinking if 1A would be better? I looked through 1B and thought it would be easy for my son to do.

1A is a bit too easy i thought. But now not buying 1A i am thinking what if i will miss something?

DS can do addition and subtraction with carrying over and with borrowing. He can do word problems.


Sooo... I am still thinking to get 1A (just in case maybe?)? But on the other hand i dont want him to be bored for 2 months...


And also... it says its for second graders? Isnt it too easy for 2nd grade? and where would be 1st grade start?

Honestly I would start with 1A, because the base 10 method is taught there. Most kids, unless they use a similar program that teaches base 10, have no idea how that works.


BTW I don't even start Singapore till 2nd grade, but it is our secondary program.



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And also... it says its for second graders? Isnt it too easy for 2nd grade? and where would be 1st grade start?


You would start with 1A/B in 1st grade. The S&S does run a bit ahead of the CA state standards by 3A/B which is why many students who switch later on often place back 1-2 semesters. But if you're starting from the beginning, you'd do the books corresponding to grade level.

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may I ask what do you do for Math in 1st grade? Not curriculum but what do you focus on?


Well I do use a curriculum. Right Start is our main program.


Right Starts works better here because it is a hands on program. But when I first bought Singapore the HIG's with all the hand son weren't available for levels 1A-2B and my kids have to do it, feel it and see it to learn it. They cam out later and by then I owned RS so it was just easier to continue to use both.


Because RS is mastery based, so it covers all of addition (up to 9 digits) before covering subtraction and multiplication, waiting till 2nd grade for Singapore serves two purposes: First it allows my kids to do Singapore almost independently, which is important given how time intensive RS is. Second it allows topics to be introduced in RS first and reviewed in Singapore, which again this is important for it to be independent.


Singapore has a much bigger focus on story problems and critical thinking, which is why I like using both.



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I would start with 1A too. 1A very easy for my ds last year but it contained foundational concepts so I let him do it at his own pace. There isn't much work involved so it wasn't frustrating for him at all and didn't take long. Normally, he doesn't like to work below his level. We also used CWP with it so that added a little more difficulty.

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