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Which Singapore K program?


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We use Singapore Standards edition starting in 1st grade, but ds#3 is ready for a K level math program and I'm all confused. :tongue_smilie: When ds#2 was doing SM, I thought the only option was Earlybird, but now there's Essentials, regular Earlybird and now Earlybird standards edition (which seems very costly even though I'm used to paying that for the 1A+ books). So ... what's a good K level SM program (which will eventually be done in conjunction with Miquon Orange and Red)?

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I suggest the Essential K math a/b. The books are an excellent value. They are not colorful, but are really well done, and pretty thick. Each book is over 150 pages.


:iagree: I tried EB with my oldest and disliked it. After hearing about EM on these boards, I purchased it for my middle ds and am really happy. It is easier to use, more fun for my ds, and looks more like PM.

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Thank you both! I like the price of Essential math better, but wasn't sure after reading on Rainbow Resource something about them being more of a supplement (and I might have completely misread that too ... it's been a little chaotic around here ;) ). I'm going to order them as I think they are at a better level for him now before we start Miquon.

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Thank you both! I like the price of Essential math better, but wasn't sure after reading on Rainbow Resource something about them being more of a supplement (and I might have completely misread that too ... it's been a little chaotic around here ;) ). I'm going to order them as I think they are at a better level for him now before we start Miquon.


EM can definitely stand alone. Ds4 is about halfway through EM B and we just added in Miquon Orange. He'll be plenty ready for PM 1A when the time comes.

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If I had to pick one math program for K, then I think I would choose Essential. However, i would emphasize thinking in groups of 5 insteqd of groups of 10. As it is I use 4 programs because I like different things about each.


I have a post discussing differences between Essential and Earlybird math...essential is sooooo much better.

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