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Has anyone heard of this or used this?

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I don't see any bad ingredients in it. Other than alcohol, which I personally don't like the taste of in my drops, but that's a personal thing. If you don't mind that part of it, maybe it's worth trying.


For heavy menstrual bleeding, this is the only info I have:


Bioflavonoids (buckwheat, citrus fruit peels and pulp) when combined with vitamin C, moderate estrogen levels and strengthen blood vessels to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding

1500-3000 mg bioflavonoids and 1000-3000 mg Vitamin C daily

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The herbs are good, but generally speaking with herbs, you often need to double or triple the dose on the bottle to get enough power in them. You could try...if it seems to work a little, but not much, you could double the dose.


Those herbs are the right ones, but I wouldnt be relying on them alone- I would be examining diet, lifestyle etc Bad habits like coffee can make a big difference- often its what you cut out, rather than what you add in, that makes a difference.

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Read this again and thought of you:


Chaste Berry (Vitex) or Chaste Tree Berry

• Indicated for a number of menopausal and perimenopausal concerns - It is often used to treat excessive bleeding, fluid retention and breast tenderness.

• Is a herb that is high in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are forms of estrogen that are much weaker than the body’s estrogens, but that are capable of blocking the stronger, more damaging estrogens (they can fit into the same receptors in breast cells that estrogens can, thus preventing the estrogen’s ability to dock there). Phytoestrogens also expand the length of the menstrual cycle, possibly lowering the lifetime exposure to estrogen.


It's very gentle and somewhat slow to show its full effects, so give it a couple of months before deciding if it's helping.

Normalizes hormone secretion and helps balance estrogen and progesterone

40 mg daily


Pregnant and nursing women shouldn't use Chasteberry. There are few drug interactions, but dopamine receptor antagonists can diminish its effectiveness. Rashes are a rare side effect. Because Chasteberry has an effect upon progesterone synthesis, it may not be appropriate for women who have strongly progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer.

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