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Windows Vista users...

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See, sometimes when I click a link, it opens a new tab, other times it opens a new window. And I can't figure out what the difference is.


I'm more of a Mac person, but we have Vista on the PC. if you are talking about Internet Explorer on Vista, go to TOOLS on the status bar, click on INTERNET OPTIONS, and look at your options there.

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I'm not running vista here but...we do have tabs and windows

I open a tab versus a new window because it's faster

however when I click on a link, it automatically opens a new browser window


But just on the tabs vs window thing...tabs are faster to open :)

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I'm not sure what the answer is to your question, but I do know a way around it! Just right click on the link and then you can choose whether you want it to open a new window or a new tab.


I personally got used to tabs with Mozilla, but honestly I can't tell you why one is better than the other!


Anyhow, hopefully this will help until you learn more!

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You could right click on the link and then choose the one you like best...


If a link has a certain html code in it (target = "_blank") then it will force a new *window* to open rather than a tab. Not sure what else would cause it to be finicky about it, though!

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