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We're going to give Santa the flu:(

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So, dd3 just tested positive for the flu. Dd13 and I have the same symptoms and are going to the dr. in the AM. My entire family has been exposed....my parents, nephew, SIL, ds7, and dh. No one else has symptoms....yet! We hired a Santato come on Christmas Eve. I don't want to give Santa the flu, but those of us currently affected shouldn't be contagious by then ...right? Would you cancel? Boohoo....I have really been looking forward to this.

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So, dd3 just tested positive for the flu. Dd13 and I have the same symptoms and are going to the dr. in the AM. My entire family has been exposed....my parents, nephew, SIL, ds7, and dh. No one else has symptoms....yet! We hired a Santato come on Christmas Eve. I don't want to give Santa the flu, but those of us currently affected shouldn't be contagious by then ...right? Would you cancel? Boohoo....I have really been looking forward to this.


With influenza, you are contagious for about 24 hours before symptoms start, and then are at your most contagious for the first few days after developing symptoms. How long someone is contagious depends on their age and health. Kids and people with compromised immune systems can shed virus for weeks, although most are probably contagious for a week or less. You shed less virus as time goes on and as symptoms subside, so are less contagious.


I'd cancel.

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