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Is crocheting contagious?

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My 17 year old decided that she wanted to learn to crochet so she would start with a baby doll blanket. The next day the 25 year old thought that maybe she could crochet an actual baby blanket. The 14 year old jumped in with a twin sized blanket. The 11 year old made a scarf and is now crocheting flower rounds which she is going to then attach to make a blanket. At this point, when the 17 year old had finished the doll blanket, she crocheted her fiance a scarf. It was very nice, professional looking, and incredibly warm. Now She is working on very dainty, lacy fingerless gloves. Every time someone learned something new they had to show everyone else. I finally joined them making an afgan for my brother. But these girls are crazy. They have already started with the "Let's just go look at the yarn", while simultaneously trying to think about all of the various things the could crochet.

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Whenever I'm around people who are crocheting, knitting, quilting or anything crafty, I definitely get the "bug" to make something! This happens a lot when I'm with my mil. She is always working on something and learning new things. I love it!


I think that is great that your kids are crocheting...I love to see young people picking up the older crafts, ya know? My dd 18 loves to crochet, too, but doesn't usually have extra time to do it.


Oh, and I understand wanting to "just look at the yarn"! :) It's fun to envision all the projects you can make! I really love the process of making something useful out of something not so useful (like a ball of yarn).



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