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I have to be the only person on the planet who dislikes Friday afternoons. Friday is gymanstics day, at 5 pm, so I have to come home and cook after all that. Also by Friday my house is quite a mess and I hate it being like that. I am usually tired because I get progressively more fatigued as the week passes. My kids dislike school mostly so I am usually irritable from forcing them to do work and clashing (esp. with my oldest) over assignments etc.


Mostly I think right now I am overwhelmed because Christmas is coming and we are slated to leave town next saturday. There is so much to get done between now and then ,my ds's 3rd birthday is tomorrow so I need to make a cake in the morning for him and spend the afternoon making candy for my dh to give to his co workers for Christmas. (we cannot afford to purchase gifts for all of them and so many give to him so we feel obligated to reciprocate)


I made a cheesecake for a gift today and as I took it out of the pan it completely crumbled. So I have to redo that as well....


ETA: I forgot to add that my son has been peeing himself and the carpet all day and colored on my new sofa with ink and crayon.


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Guest CarolineUK

Oh, I hate Fridays too. Friday is the day I schedule to clean our bathrooms, it usually takes just under two hours from about 4pm until it's then time to prepare our evening meal. Hate it. No matter how the week has gone I'm always tired on Friday afternoons too. Of course it also heralds the start of the weekend, which is when I do the rest of the housework and some batch cooking. Hate it. All so that I can enjoy homeschooling without any (many?) other pressures Monday to Friday 4pm. That I love :D.

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