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(CC) Christian World View.... Who knows what it is? Who thinks that they have one?

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Hey There ;)


My mom and I were talking tonight about Christian Worldviews. We were wondering who thinks that they have a Christian Worldview? Who doesn't even know that there's a difference??


We were talking about people being fine with their children going to PS because there are "so many Christian teachers there". And, that those teachers were probably schooled in PS and many of them don't even see any difference between Christian thinking and Secular thinking.


So, Knowledge is what I want for my children.... but with an understanding of God.


Anyone have any great ways that they share knowledge from a Christian Worldview? Anyone have a church that really supports parents in this journey??





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Technically a real Christian worldview would be thinking in a way that mirrors God's thinking. But technically no one short of heaven actually has Divine Viewpoint all the time on all things. There are some good books and camps out there though that do try to approach things from that point of view as much as possible. Personally I like (and am listening to) the Biblical Framework course by Charlie Clough. It does come from a definite doctrinal perspective though (dispensational). http://www.bibleframework.com/course/study-online/

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"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22: 37-38


It's simple. But, if we could really, really GET that, it would make a difference in our lives and those who we come into contact with.


Cannot every world view be put through this lens?


Teach what you believe is right and wrong. But above all, teach LOVE. If we all just loved and left he judgment to God, there would be much more peace and healing in lives. IMO.


Christian Worldview? The world is fallen. The redeemer of mankind is hope eternal. Share the love of God. Some will reject it, but that's not for us to fret over. God is above all and in control.


Of course there are more scholarly answers and books written on this very subject. Some of them are even good reads! One of my favorites is Frances Schaeffer's How Should We Then Live.

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"Technically a real Christian worldview would be thinking in a way that mirrors God's thinking."


Perfect! So, we should try to view the world in a way that would mirror God's thinking, and then we would be viewing the world as a "Christ Follower"....


How would one start to see the difference between thinking about things through "God's view" as best we can? Is this partially the responsibility of the church to show the contrast between God's view and a secular one? (meaning a view without God in mind)

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Technically a real Christian worldview would be thinking in a way that mirrors God's thinking.






I think (since we have the Holy Spirit and the "mind of Christ" and since we have been given a new nature) that we actually can have God's mind about everything.


Do we?




But, we can we?




And, really owning this truth is very empowering, I think.;) (At least it has been revolutionary to me! :D)

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Just realized I didn't mention ANYTHING about Scripture. Oops. :001_huh: That's a huge part of knowing God's mind, too. But, I don't think that's all of it, though. Because, I think many Christians approach living for God and finding out what He wants with the attitude that since they have the Bible, they don't need God anymore, etc. etc. They can just study and study and that will make them more like Christ, etc. This is just not so. We see tons of Christians with "perfect" theology hurting each other all the time. We need the Spirit of God to tutor us about the truth in Scripture or else we will just get knowledge that "puffs up" and we need to follow the Spirit to confess, change, serve, forsake, be empowered, etc. We will know the Spirit is leading us right (and it's not our own mind) because it will be in line with God's word, etc. etc. ...That's what I meant. ;)

Edited by VBoulden
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How would one start to see the difference between thinking about things through "God's view" as best we can? Is this partially the responsibility of the church to show the contrast between God's view and a secular one? (meaning a view without God in mind)


A worldview is a framework for thinking about the big questions in life. God gives us that framework in the Bible through the work of the Holy Spirit and the proper working of the church esp. in the communication gifts. Quite often churches or parachurch organizations mistake a worldview with specific applications of how to live in society. Instead, the church is to teach people how to think so that they can make their own applications to their own unique circumstances.

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A worldview is a framework for thinking about the big questions in life. God gives us that framework in the Bible through the work of the Holy Spirit and the proper working of the church esp. in the communication gifts. Quite often churches or parachurch organizations mistake a worldview with specific applications of how to live in society. Instead, the church is to teach people how to think so that they can make their own applications to their own unique circumstances.


Well said!!!! Worldview is about a thought. The tone of this thread is more about specific actions to be taken (I could be wrong though;))


Key word..."unique" because situations vary so much...the way a world view is acted out will be extrememly diverse.


Yes, it goes back to LOVE. and not forgetting that God's heart is for (as in He is in love with it) "the world."

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