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There's a hole in my pool Dear Liza, Dear Liza...

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Well, fix it Dear Henry, Dear Henry...Do you remember that song? Except it was a bucket not a pool. But *we* do have a hole in our pool. Dag nabbit. This is the third winter we've had the pool. The previous winters the level of the water stayed around the same under the cover. This winter we noticed that the water level was alot lower. It's an above ground pool. We're thinking that the liner was damaged by the kids before we closed the pool and the water has been very slowly seeping out the bottom. Dh took the cover off and put some more water in. The level seems lower again.


Ok, those who have had tears in the liner please tell me we don't have to drain the pool. We don't even have the filter hooked up yet. So, the water is kinda murky. It's also sooo cold. So going in to fix it won't happen for awhile. Please tell me what we're going to need to do. Thanks for reading

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Well, fix it Dear Henry, Dear Henry...Do you remember that song? Except it was a bucket not a pool. But *we* do have a hole in our pool. Dag nabbit. This is the third winter we've had the pool. The previous winters the level of the water stayed around the same under the cover. This winter we noticed that the water level was alot lower. It's an above ground pool. We're thinking that the liner was damaged by the kids before we closed the pool and the water has been very slowly seeping out the bottom. Dh took the cover off and put some more water in. The level seems lower again.


Ok, those who have had tears in the liner please tell me we don't have to drain the pool. We don't even have the filter hooked up yet. So, the water is kinda murky. It's also sooo cold. So going in to fix it won't happen for awhile. Please tell me what we're going to need to do. Thanks for reading


I know Ria once fixed a hole in her pool. She did it with the water still in the pool, goggles, and a patch kit. But, as we all know, Ria is superwoman. :D


It can be done.



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I know Ria once fixed a hole in her pool. She did it with the water still in the pool, goggles, and a patch kit. But, as we all know, Ria is superwoman. :D


It can be done.




I think I remember reading about that. I know there are patch kits but I'm dreading how cold this water is going to be when I go a swimmin'.

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I had to fix my pool liner all the time- here's how it works. Locate the hole! (not always easy) and clean the area around it if the pool is still dirty from winter. Most spa stores (even Walmart) sell pool repair kits. You cut a piece to the size of the hole, squirt on the glue (very, very sticky! watch your fingers!) and use your hand, foot, whatever to place it on the hole. Press down for a while so it doesn't float away in the water. Done! You don't need to empty the pool unless you can't find the hole. Good luck!

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We have an in-ground pool with a vinyl liner, and we had a slow leak last fall. We called a local pool company, and for a fairly reasonable charge, they sent a repairman in a wetsuit to find the leak and wet patch it. It worked great! If the temperature scares you, maybe you could even borrow a wetsuit?



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