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If you need to laugh (or cry):

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I had a day today like some of y'all know only I can have. One of those days that would make you think I was a troll if you didn't know me...well...everybody's alive & safe & all the important stuff, so maybe you wouldn't think I was a troll...we drove through the airport, though, & there were a lot of police cars, no planes in the air, & dh, who drives through the airport all the time for work, laughed & said, yeah, there *would* be a terrorist threat on the day that I bring you *& your luck* through the airport....this is a story of that kind of luck. (But no terrorists.)


Dh lost some really important medicine this week along w/ his cell phone. He had a delivery in another state, so that's some wide territory. We went this morning to get it replaced. He dropped me off to pick up groceries etc at Target while he got medicine & had my van inspected.


My van failed. Two tires needed replacing. So dh went to the bank to get $ for new tires.


We were overdrawn. (I paid rent later than he expected.) The kids & I were stuck for 2.5 hrs at Target, & dh had my cell phone, so...not knowing if he'd gotten his med yet, I was really worried. Not to mention, I've got FOUR kids in Target for a LONG time, & 2 of them are toddlers.


So we had to drive out to Dallas (an hour away, almost rush hour, kids haven't eaten) to pick up dh's pay check. We stop to feed the kids, & 2yo has his first in-public potty accident. It wasn't potty. (We thought we'd be back home by noon, & it was like 3pm.)


We get ds changed (thank goodness I'd left a diaper bag in the car at some point), & we get out to Dallas, pick up the pay check, go to the bank (where I really, truly believe someone was trying to rob it, but that's another story), & head home. We're like 2 hrs away w/ rush hour, but the kids are napping & dh & I are talking (about myths & history!), & remember those tires that didn't pass inspection?


One of them popped. Dh had just told me that morning that he hadn't realized until recently that when we bought the van, it didn't have a spare. He mentioned that when he got the tires replaced, he'd get me a spare. But now it's after dark, we're on the hwy w/ 4 really tired, cranky, hungry, stinky kids, & no spare, & a flat. :lol:


The kids & I walked to the next intersection (with the kids talking the whole way about what kinds of snakes probably live in the tall grass we were walking through & me not mentioning *rats*) where there was a Burger King w/ a play land, & I found enough empty envelopes in my purse to tear open into blank paper, so I could work on an article that I think was due yesterday, & a couple of hours later, my fil picked us up, & now the kids are in the bath, because BK was scary gross--9yo wouldn't even play for the first half hr we were there because it smelled so bad. And the crazy people have an exterior door in the play place, so people can just come in off the street, grab a kid, & go. Not that anyone did. Surely even those people want better smelling kids. But it was one more thing to be nervous about after walking down the service road in the dark w/ four kids.


So anyway, I'm sort-of classifying this day as a disaster. The kids, however, thought the last bit of adventure was absolutely the best part of the whole day.


I really love my life. It leaves me w/ such a large amount of fodder for small talk at parties, which otherwise would really stress me out. ;)

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What impressed me most? You have a 2-year old who is toilet trained (almost).


Thank you. In his defense, he said he had to go. Dh just didn't realize when he took him (twice) that he *wasn't* just fooling around. :glare:


I almost always find truly horrible days to be hysterically funny. I think I'm a masochist.

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