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Can anyone recommend a good book for becoming more alkaline-diet, supplements, etc.

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Basically, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables especially lemon and watermelon. Eat more rice/less wheat.




Ranked Foods: Alkaline To Acidic


Very Alkaline


Lemons, watermelon.


Alkaline Forming


Cantaloupe, cayenne celery, dates, figs, kelp, limes, mango, melons, papaya, parsley, seaweeds, seedless grapes (sweet), watercress.


Asparagus, fruit juices, grapes (sweet), kiwifruit, passionfruit, pears (sweet), pineapple, raisins, umeboshi plums, and vegetable juices.


Moderately Alkaline


Apples (sweet), alfalfa sprouts, apricots, avocados, bananas (ripe), currants, dates, figs (fresh), garlic, grapefruit, grapes (less sweet), guavas, herbs (leafy green), lettuce (leafy green), nectarine, peaches (sweet), pears (less sweet), peas (fresh, sweet), pumpkin (sweet), sea salt (vegetable).


Apples (sour), beans (fresh, green), beets, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carob, cauliflower, ginger (fresh), grapes (sour), lettuce (pale green), oranges, peaches (less sweet), peas (less sweet), potatoes (with skin), pumpkin (less sweet), raspberries, strawberries, squash, sweet Corn (fresh), turnip, vinegar (apple cider).


Slightly Alkaline


Almonds, artichokes (jerusalem), brussel sprouts, cherries, coconut (fresh), cucumbers, eggplant, honey (raw), leeks, mushrooms, okra, olives (ripe), onions, pickles (homemade), radishes, sea salt, spices, tomatoes (sweet), vinegar (sweet brown rice).


Chestnuts (dry, roasted), egg yolks (soft cooked), essene bread, goat's milk and whey (raw), mayonnaise (homemade), olive oil, sesame seeds (whole), soy beans (dry), soy cheese, soy milk, sprouted grains, tofu, tomatoes (less sweet), and yeast (nutritional flakes).




Butter (fresh, unsalted), cream (fresh, raw), cow's milk and whey (raw), margine, oils (except olive), and yogurt (plain).


Moderately Acidic


Bananas (green), barley (rye), blueberries, bran, butter, cereals (unrefined), cheeses, crackers (unrefined rye, rice and wheat), cranberries, dried beans (mung, adzuki, pinto, kidney, garbanzo), dry coconut, egg whites, eggs whole (cooked hard), fructose, goat's milk (homogenized), honey (pasteurized), ketchup, maple syrup (unprocessed), milk (homogenized).


Molasses (unsulferd and organic), most nuts, mustard, oats (rye, organic), olives (pickled), pasta (whole grain), pastry (whole grain and honey), plums, popcorn (with salt and/or butter), potatoes, prunes, rice (basmati and brown), seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), soy sauce, and wheat bread (sprouted organic).


Very Acidic


Artificial sweeteners, beef, beer, breads, brown sugar, carbonated soft drinks, cereals (refined), chocolate, cigarettes and tobacco, coffee, cream of wheat (unrefined), custard (with white sugar), deer, drugs, fish, flour (white, wheat), fruit juices with sugar, jams, jellies, lamb.


Liquor, maple syrup (processed), molasses (sulphured), pasta (white), pastries and cakes from white flour, pickles (commercial), pork, poultry, seafood, sugar (white), table salt (refined and iodized), tea (black), white bread, white vinegar (processed), whole wheat foods, wine, and yogurt (sweetened).

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Oh, this is a great list, thanks! So is it basically just sticking with alkaline-producing foods and avoiding acid-producing ones?


Everybody is different, but for the majority of people, the ideal diet would 75% alkalizing and 25% percent acidifying foods by volume.


HTH. I try to adhere to this too but some days it's harder to do than others. There seem to be a lot of acidifying foods that I enjoy eating. :tongue_smilie:

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I prefer, myself, a more simplified approach. I learned that, to all intents and purposes, basically all fruit and veg are alkalising. This was a raw food approach so we are not talking potato chips. Lemons are especially alkalising- a half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water first thing in the morning is very good.


I tested my urine when I was doing a largely raw diet earlier in the year, and it went into the healthy alkaline zone on a diet high in fruit and veg, low in grains (I had some though), but I had meat and/or fish a couple of times a week, I had nuts (almonds are the only alkaline ones but I ate all types) and I was drinking raw milk at the time. I took green powders and had green smoothies and green juices. I had steamed vegies or stir fried sometimes. I felt really, really good on it, but I didnt lose any weight because I ate a lot of fats- avocados, coconuts, whole milk. Not that I was overweight but I wouldn't have minded losing a bit.


I am just sharing my story because my experience is that if eating gets too complicated- and I always felt that for me those lists of alkaline/acid foods are tedious to live by- I wont follow my best intentions. I learned the approach of 80/20. Eat 80% pretty good healthy fruit and veg, much of it raw or only lightly cooked- dont worry about whether it is alkalising- compared to the SAD it is plenty alkalising. And 20% other stuff- meat, fish, dairy, cooked foods, grains. For me it was probably more 70/30 but I still tested alkaline.


A good green juice every day can really tip you over towards alkaline. I spent a few months having a juice based on 50% celery, then other greens like cucumber, spinach...then some apple and lemon, maybe some carrot, just to make it taste good (but not a lot so its low in sugar). That alone can help a lot.

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We do a green smoothie every day. I don't think I could eat that much raw though. But I do need to do more fruits/veg. I'm sure it probably just comes down to eating really clean, but I wasn't positive.


Peela-can you just test urine with Ph paper and that will tell you for sure if you're alkaline or not? I didn't realize that!

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Peela-can you just test urine with Ph paper and that will tell you for sure if you're alkaline or not? I didn't realize that!


Yes, there are strips you can buy that actualy give you the correct range you need to be in- from the perspective of a healthy alkaline range. They expect you to test both your saliva and urine over a period of time and average it out. Most people i know just test their urine and go by the reading, which is what I do. Very quick and easy- I leave mine next to the toilet but I havent done it in a few months because I just know I ain't in the healthy range right now!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Most people i know just test their urine and go by the reading, which is what I do. Very quick and easy- I leave mine next to the toilet but I havent done it in a few months because I just know I ain't in the healthy range right now!

Still catching up on some threads. I hear you. I've been neglectful with this lately. Used to have the entire family test their pH weekly. Now I'm a bit scared to. ;) Will start again soon. The paper's sitting there making me feel guilty!

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