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Bev in B'ville

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My dd will be interviewing tomorrow with a gentleman from a college she's applied to. The gentleman has asked her to bring her resume with her.


I'm familiar with both resume's and CV's, but not for a high school senior.


I'm looking for a template or scrubbed copy of one that I could use as a guideline. Any suggestions?



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I did one for ds1 as part of his app, and used the sample in the college application book I got from the library. I tried finding a template on-line and found it was just a lot easier to use the sample in the book. Haven't a clue where his resume is, so can't help you there. Sorry! Maybe someone else on this board can help.



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I made a simple organized activities resume for my daughter and sent it along with her applications. What I basically did was organize into categories and put the heading in bold and underlined and then put the activities in chronological order under their headings. Some of the headings I used were Choirs and Music; Debate, Speech and Mock Trial; Volunteer Activities; Leadership; Sports; and Jobs. Your child's resume would reflect their particular bent.

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My daughter had an "Awards and Activities" resume for her applications and interviews last year. We put her name on the center top in bold, followed by a three-column table we made in Microsoft word. The table was split into four sections (as per Chris above, based on her particular needs). Her section titles were Honors & Awards, Math Extracurriculars, Non-Math Extracurriculars, and Summer Programs. Each title was bolded and centered above that particular section of the table. The left column held the name of the activity or award, the center column gave year or time commitment, and the third column contained a brief description.



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I made a simple organized activities resume for my daughter and sent it along with her applications. What I basically did was organize into categories and put the heading in bold and underlined and then put the activities in chronological order under their headings. Some of the headings I used were Choirs and Music; Debate, Speech and Mock Trial; Volunteer Activities; Leadership; Sports; and Jobs. Your child's resume would reflect their particular bent.



This is pretty much what we did too except our bolded titles were something like:



volunteer service

awards & honors


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