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Handwriting curriculum?

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I have a dd4 (almost 5) who is writing may of her letters on unlined paper and I would like to try to start her on some handwriting work. I have noticed that there are several websites where I could print out handwriting worksheets for free and even to make ones that are customized. I am wondering if these worksheets will be enough or if I should also get her a formal handwriting program in addition to this. Is it beneficial enough to be worth the extra cost and time?

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For preK - I used the worksheets from www.donnayoung.org for my oldest. I out the printed out sheets into sheet protectors and used dry erase markers. Once he could copy the sheets easily then I got a dry erase board by expo from Staples with penmanship lines on it. Each day, I would write one letter and talk about how to form the letter. Then, he would copy the letter 5 times on the board. I didn't start a "formal" penmanship program until mid kindergarten. By then, he had fairly good fine motor control and we breeze through the program.



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I've used worksheets online and I've used books . I try not to print out stuff from the computer too much since ink is about as expensive ( if not more ) then gas !!! LOL. Its much less expensive to just buy a handwriting book .

I've used HWT's . But am finding when my daughter's write I don't care much for the style at all . I used it because they had a tough time in the beginning with handwriting and needed something to get them going and it helped. They are doing well now but I'm finding that I want to switch to something better on the eyes ( at least for me :>)

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