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Doctor vent!

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:glare:I called our insurance company to find a new doctor that was closer to where we lived. I was given a number and made an appointment.


They asked for me to come in at 10:45 to fill out paper work for an 11:00 appointment. No problem. I'm there on time fill out the paperwork in 5 minutes, at 11:30 I'm called back(by the way there is no one else in the waiting room). When the medical assistant(I assume, she didn't introduce herself and there is no title on her ID tag) hands me more paperwork it says that the person I'm seeing is a nurse practitioner, not a doctor, no one has mentioned this!


20 minutes later(50min past my appointment time) the nurse practitioner comes in, introduces herself, tells me I have 15 minutes and is timing it on her cell phone which she sets on the counter so I can hear it when it goes off!!! WTH!!!


Then she says you seem anxious! I wasn't anxious I was really frustrated. A little bit later she wants a picture if my home life in her head so she asks me if I live with me husband and how many kids I have. She then asks if all the others are at school(I had the baby with me). I said no they are with my husband in between his shifts. She then says, what? none of them are school age. I say yes, but we homeschool.


Then she says "OH!!! I always wanted to homeschool my kids, but I'm just not smart enough!" What???? She's not smart enough to homeschool but she's in charge of my healthcare???


I know there are some wonderful Doctors but I have been having horrible luck finding one close to me and this was just so frustrating, thanks for letting me vent:001_smile:

Edited by indigomama
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Sweet pete!!! I would not be going back there again. I don't really have a problem with NPs or PAs taking care of me--often you get better patient care from them because they're not as rushed as the doctor might be. And this is becoming the norm in many places. But not knowing in advance, the amount of time they had you sitting there, the timer (!!!!), and the comment combined would all have me running for the hills. In fact, I'd probably write a nice little note to the doctor/office manager about it before I started making calls to find my next option.


I'm sorry, what a cruddy experience :(

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:eek: O my goodness!


I think I would have had to ask is she was joking, was it all some sort of joke?? Then I would have pointed out how absurd the visit was becoming. Timing you? Really? How incredibly rude.


And saying she wasn't smart enough....:tongue_smilie: She stepped into that one. I don't know if I could have held my tongue.


Guess you won't be going back there.


It stinks that it's so hard to find a new doctor. My mom has been trying to find a new one for the past year. She finally found one she liked and the woman is moving her practice. My mom is quite frustrated.

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Thanks for understanding with me ladies. My friend said she can't believe the things that happen to me, and that I should be writing them all down for a future book!


As soon as some tests results come back I will be looking for another new doctor. I wish I could see my children's pediatrician, he's great!

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