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Question for those doing so much philosophy...

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Elizabeth, my 7th grader and 12th grader are doing philosophy somewhat together, so our situation may be a bit unusual. We read Sophie's World together in the morning and discuss it. This book is on the list for AP Lit or Lang (can't remember which), so it fulfills a lit requirement for my dd, yet it will be part of her transcript for her Philosophy and World Religions course. The book is accessible enough that Swimmer Dude enjoys it and benefits from the discussion with his sister. Because I only have dd home for a year, Philosophy and World Religions are covered as a year-long elective course. DD is covering all of World History this year and is moving at a quick enough pace that I can keep Sophie's World and The Story of Philosophy roughly parallel with the history.


The study of world religions, morals, and ethics replaces the faith studies that many other homeschoolers do.

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