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If you loaned one of your children some money...

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I'm esp. intrigued by the last post by Julie, which indicates that other brothers might not get an interest-free loan from their Mother, so then why should your husband be the favored child and get one?

Ah...I can explain this. The sons get *business* loans from mom, often in amounts exceeding $300,000 and sometimes up beyond a million $. There is agreed-upon interest attached to those loans that is advantageous to both the borrower (sons) and the lender (mom). That's truly where I made a mistake. I thought I was borrowing on a personal basis, but the brother in question is not differentiating between loans made for the purpose of investment, and one very small loan made as an act of kindness and love. I could go to my mother-in-law and talk to her about this, and she would absolutely tell me *not* to add interest but my intention is to pay interest. I think I'm just slightly distressed that these men who borrow such huge amounts have concerned themselves with less than $100 of interest, and it still feels petty of them to do so, as though they're assuming I'm a deadbeat who needs "watching", when everything in my history would indicate otherwise. It's both one of the benefits and one of the drawbacks of big families. There's almost always someone in the family who's able to help out in a pinch, but there's also more people who know enough about the situation to ruminate upon it and sometimes draw unkind conclusions. :001_huh:

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